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一颗手榴弹把他们炸得粉身碎骨。A grenade blew them both to bits.

我被炸得粉身碎骨。The atomizer comes along,blows me up.

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圣光将让你粉身碎骨,达里昂!The Light will tear you apart, Darion!

该来的始终会来,不面对就要粉身碎骨。The past will always come, face must be destroyed.

一头牛飞驰而过,撞到地面,像个鸡蛋落地一样,立即粉身碎骨。A flying cow hit the ground and smashed like an egg.

粉身碎骨浑不怕,要留清白在人间。Smashed to pieces muddy afraid to stay clean in the world.

如果你已被炸得粉身碎骨,并弄丢了钢盔,他们依然会给你寄账单。If you get blown up and you lose your helmet, they still bill you.

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那些做了应对大灾大祸的保险措施的公司,现在还能屹立不倒,而没做的已经粉身碎骨了。The people who insured against catastrophes are still standing today.

邓蒂斯冒着粉身碎骨的危险奔下岩石。Dantes ran down the rocks at the risk of being himself dashed to pieces.

许多人被炸得粉身碎骨,人肉撒满了广场。Many were literally ripped to shreds, human flesh scattered over the square.

过去丑闻常常会增加一个人的魅力,或者至少使他引人注意,但现在丑闻会让人粉身碎骨。Scandals used to lend charm, or at least interest, to a man—now they crush him.

星火可以燎身,一点小火的确可以把人烧得粉身碎骨,并无神秘之处。A little spark can burn our body into nothing left. It is everything but mysterious.

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敌人胆敢来犯,我们一定严惩不贷,打它个粉身碎骨。If our enemy dare to attack us, we'll punish them severely and crush them into pieces.

他说过要准备粉身碎骨,他没想到他比他所预想的更悲惨。He said he would prepare, he didn't think he ventured than he expected the more pathetic.

你冷漠地笑了,为了掩饰自己内心的粉身碎骨。You smiled apathetically, for covering up oneself the powder body ground bone of the heart.

而这些车就像澡盆里的玩具一样被冲来冲去,并撞在建筑物上,粉身碎骨。And those cars are tossed around like toys in a tub, smashed up against the side of a building.

如果你对风险没有足够的防范意识,你最后可能会跌得粉身碎骨,变得不名一文。If you aren't risk-averse enough, you could end up blowing yourself up and losing all your money.

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阿萨德,你所失去的将不会再回来了,现在炸弹已经开始倒数计时了,炸弹将把你炸得粉身碎骨。Assad what you have lost will never get back, now the time bomb is ticking to blast you in pieces.

风没有翅膀,却会飞翔,最终撞的粉身碎骨,全因为没有方向。No wind wings, but it will fly, the final pieces of the plane, because we do not have any direction.

请问,你美国“可伦比亚号”在天空粉身碎骨时,我们说“报应”,你们又该怎么想???What would you Yankees think if we say it is a KARMA when your "Columbia" broke into pieces in space?