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请问蔡总目前百分女人有多少家店面?How many stores do you have now, Mr Cai?

这种温度计是用摄氏百分度标定的。This thermometer is calibrated by centigrade.

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该科最高分数为百分。The maximum number of marks for the subject is 100.

但他总是用百分子十的真实来反击。But he always countered with the ten percent of truth.

佬司常说尚尼亚故事的百分子九十是杜撰的。Lars used to say that ninety percent of Saunière’s story is fiction.

土壤中粘粒百分含量越高,吸附性就越强。The more clay particles percent content, the larger adsorption capacity.

绘制以颈椎骨龄为标准的下颌骨生长发育百分位数曲线图。Drawing mandibular growth graph as cervical vertebral bone age for basis.

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以气相色谱归一化法测定其百分含量。Gas chromatography showed their percentages by area normalization method.

自然陈化酒与催陈酒的组成及其相对百分含量比较接近。The content of the naturally-aged wine and the catalyzed wine is similar.

BMI在第85个百分位数及以上的儿童确认为超重。Kids with BMIs in the 85th percentile or higher are considered overweight.

以总离子流图归一化法测定其百分含量。The total ion current showed their percentages by area normalization method.

所有这一切的经验可能使我们在上百分的球员的技能。All of this experience probably puts us in the upper percentiles of player skill.

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用双波长分光光度法测定绿原酸的百分含量。The content of chlorogenic acid was measured by double-length UV-spectrophotometry.

计算达到平衡时这两种形式的D-半乳糖的百分含量。Calculate the percentage composition of the two forms of D-galactose at equilibrium.

目的探索未分组资料百分位数计算方法适宜公式。Objective To explore a suitable calculating method of percentile for un-grouped data.

结果给出了各组的年龄别L,M,S曲线和百分位数曲线。Results Age related L, M, S curve were fitted and weight centile curves are presented.

运用UG提供的参数化实现工具能够方便地动态生成不同百分位的人体模型。With the tools provided by UG, we can easily produce body models in different percentiles.

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课程成绩以成绩按百分计,60分为及格,及格方能获得学分。The course grade is measured in 100 marks. Credits can be gained if got more than 60 marks.

南宁地区孕妇宫高正常值范围的百分位数与上海地区正常值范围相比较,两者相似。The normal range of the uterine height in Nanning district was similar to that of Shanghai.

本文提供了陕西省0-18岁儿童的BMI的年龄别百分位数曲线。Presented here is the age-related BMI centile curves for children aged 0-18 years in Shaanxi.