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我就是一无用处。I’m just useless.

这样做有什么用处呢?Why is this useful?

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铁有多种用处。Iron has a variety of uses.

虔诚的祈祷用处何有?What was the use of prayer?

挂虑究竟有甚么用处?What is the use of worrying?

被削弱的斗牛的用处是什么?What else does the pitbull do?

古人们发现火很有用处。Early men found fire very useful.

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但两者缺一,便全无用处。But the lack of a, is all useless.

草率对于解决问题没有任何用处。Haste is no use of solving problem.

光说不做没什么用处。Talk will avail little without work.

我想同她争吵没有用处。I think it useless quarreling with her.

有些破损的罐子仍有他们的用处。Some cracked pots also have their uses.

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此回溯跟踪似乎没有用处。This backtrace appears to be of no use.

但是并没多大用处。It's nice, but not particularly helpful.

读书不求甚解,没有什么用处。Reading without understand is of no use.

希望不会。我的新裘皮大衣将没有什么用处。Hope not. My new fur coat will be no use.

请在不适用处填上「不适用」。Please insert "N. A. " if not applicable.

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这块旧表对我还有些用处。The old watch is still of some use to me.

你们就认为我只有那个用处吗?That's all your pepole think I'm good for?

正、余弦定理内在丰厚,用处普遍。Is, Cosine rich content, wide range of uses.