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而成功的本义就是指达到自己的愿望。The core of success is achieving one’s wishes.

很明显,“想法”这个词我们的理解应从它的本义去入手。Obviously the word must be taken in its proper sense.

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如果我们基于本义来命名,它就是一个。name If we named it based on what it is, it's a name.

“乔”字本义具有“高”和“曲”两方面的意义特征。Originally, "Qiao" bears the meaning of "High" and "Bent".

NA克隆,或者任何一种克隆,本义就是"复制"DNA cloning, or any kind of cloning just means 'making copies of'.

这正是当我谈论食疗健身时的想说的本义。It is the essence of what I mean when I talk about eating to flourish.

对“龠”本义的解释,古说颇多,分歧很大。There are different interpretations for the original meaning of" Yue".

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灌输的本义是“输送”,它是个中性的概念。The original meaning of inculcation is delivering, and it is a neutral concept.

从词义义位之间的关系看,词有本义和引申义。According to the relation of sememes, a word has both original meaning and extended meaning.

关于“一”的属性,学界有人解释其为“道”,这是不符合汉代以前黄老学说的本义的。Regarding to the attributes of "One", some people in the academic circles explain it as "Dao".

本义是狐狸借着老虎的威势去吓唬别的野兽。Its original meaning is that the fox borrows the tiger's ferocity to bluster other wild animals.

这种祭祀不能仅视为纪念活动,其本义就是祀神。The sacrificial rites are not only commemoratory activities, but originally the offerings to gods.

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多义词的义项由本义派生,是俄语中大量存在的语言现象。Polysemy senses are derived from primary meaning, which is a common language phenomenon in Russian.

本义为再巧的主妇,要是没有米也做不出饭来。The saying means no matter how skillful a housewife is, she can't cook a meal without rice literally.

兴的概念来自西周的乐语,其本义是连类譬喻。The notion of analogy came from music language in the West Zhou Dynasty, referring to comparison by species.

“启蒙”的本义是开发蒙昧、清除荒谬、发现真理。“The original meaning of enlightenment is to explore obscuration , to eliminate absurdity, and to discovery truth.

威斯敏斯特的本义是西部大教堂的意思,由于这座教堂在伦敦城的西部,便得此名。The original meaning of Westminster Abbey is "a big abbey in the west", because the abbey is in the western London.

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张舜徽先生对历史文献学理论的探索,是从推究“校雠”本义开始的。Zhang Shunhui's research on the philology of history is based on studying the original meaning of textual criticism.

古代“时”的本义为“四时”,即四季,内涵着周而复始循环之义。The denotative meaning of "time" in ancient China is "season", that is, four seasons, which implies continuous circle.

要对它这些多元内涵进行分类,并厘定它们之间的关系,必须回到其发生学本义中。To classify these plural intension and determine the relations between them, we must get back to the original meaning.