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本试验采用老化箱、游标卡尺。The test employs aging oven and vernier caliper.

使用游标卡尺,测量电刷长度。Using vernier calipers, measure the brush length.

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深度游标卡尺用于测量深度,台阶等。The depth vernier gauges can be used to measure depth and step.

熟练使用内、外千分尺以及游标卡尺。Completed ability to use inside and outside micrometer , caliper.

条码扫描仪,卷尺,千分尺,游标卡尺,色卡。Bar Code Scanner, Tape Measure, Micrometer, Caliper , Cast Iron Samples.

借助游标卡尺测量两侧神经根的长度和直径。Use vernier calliper to measure the length, diameter of nerve root on both sides.

有机械制图的知识,能看懂图纸,会使用基本的测量计具如游标卡尺,卷尺等。Must be able to read blueprints, use basic measuring devices Calipers, tape measures etc.

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用游标卡尺、量角器和圆规分别测量各项数据。Various distances and angles were measured with dividers , protractor and vernier caliper.

高度游标卡尺广泛用于机械加工中的高度测量、划线等。The height vernier gauges can widely used for height measurement and scribing in machining.

通过对实验对象常规取模,倒模,利用圆规及游标卡尺在模型上测量前牙的近远中。With the help of dividers and vernier calipers, the widths of anterior teeth were measured.

尤其是游标卡尺等,应平放在专用盒子里,免使尺身变形。Especially vernier caliper, etc. , shall be flat on special box, avoid make feet body deformation.

这种教育方式倾向于让学生们获得一种对与错的游标卡尺,而不只是一套绝对的标准。This tends to provide students with a sliding scale of right and wrong rather than a set of absolutes.

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我们教导学生如何使用自己的游标卡尺,三束平衡和如何做真正浓咖啡。We taught students how to make their own vernier calipers, triple-beam balances and really strong coffee.

用游标卡尺和抑菌圈测量仪分别测量抑菌环直径,比较两者测量结果一致性及时耗。The consistency of antimicrobial susceptibility test results and time consumption of two methods were compared.

介绍了一种利用激光、光栅、游标卡尺测量凹透镜球面半径的方法。This article introduces a method of measuring the radial of a concave lens with laser, grating and vemier caliper.

能熟练使用各种测量仪器,像千分尺,游标尺,高度游标卡尺等。Hands on with the all mechanical measuring instruments like Micrometer, dial bore gauge, Vernier, Height Gauge etc.

方法运用游标卡尺测量指甲生长长度,计算每日生长速率。Methods Using vernier caliper to measure the growth lengths of the fingernails, precisely calculated the daily growth rates.

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数字游标卡尺由容栅传感器、液晶显示器和相应的检测电路组成。Digital vernier caliper is composed of capacitance grid transducer, Liquid Crystal Display and corresponding testing circuit.

采用急性无水乙醇损伤模型,以游标卡尺测定胃黏膜损伤的程度。To test the damage degree of gastric mucosa by vernier caliper through the damage model of absolute ethyl alcohol to the SD rats.

本文针对微操作系统的作业标定问题,提出了一种基于游标卡尺和数字图像处理技术的方法。A method based on vernier caliper and digital image processing is introduced aiming at the calibration of micromanipulation system.