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哇,你笑得都合不拢嘴啊。Wow, you are smiling from ear to ear.

小兔听了,笑得都合不拢嘴了。Xiaotu listened, smiling all of the 1930.

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尝尝我们的甜玉米吧。你会吃得爱不释手,笑得合不拢嘴。Try our sweet corn. You'll smile from ear to ear.

尝尝我们的甜玉米,包你乐得合不拢嘴。Try our sweet corn, and you'll smile from ear to ear.

最近希拉里在所有的照片里都笑得合不拢嘴。Lately all the pictures of Hillary have her smiling from ear to ear.

这里的孩子也十分的可爱,当他们笑起来的时候简直是合不拢嘴!The children, for example, come up to you wearing a smile from ear to ear.

如果她生日得到我们送她的自行车,一定会笑的合不拢嘴。She 'll smile from ear to ear if we give her a bike for her birthday party.

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墙的前面站着一群十多岁的活泼、朝气蓬勃的青少年,他们正笑得合不拢嘴。In front of it stood a bunch of bubbly, youthful adolescent teens, grinning ear-to-ear.

通常,当我突然回家看望父母时,妈妈会从屋子里冲出来,乐得合不拢嘴。Normally when I pop in to see my parents, my Mum bursts out of the house with a big smile.

他戴上我的帽子,跑去给他母亲看,然后回到我面前,乐得合不拢嘴。With my hat on his head, he ran to show his mother, then back to me smiling from ear to ear.

叔婆今年添了个小孙孙,高兴得整日合不拢嘴。Getting a little grandson this year, my husband's aunt is so happy that she smiled all day long.

范冰冰的调侃让现场充满欢声笑语,观众开心的合不拢嘴。Fan Bingbing ridicule the so full of laughter at the scene, the audience happily from ear to ear.

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通常,我将幻灯片满足你的欲望在你的门,有你,微笑合不拢嘴。Often I will slide your desires fulfilled under your door, and there you are, smiling from ear to ear.

他高大身材,黑色皮肤,并且能让你大笑到合不拢嘴,但你又不能与那些获奖证书争辩。Tall dark and could make you laugh until you wee a little bit, you can't argue with those credentials.

如果一辆车创造的最快纪录能把它自己的工程师都惊得合不拢嘴,那这车就得收进咱们的书里。Any car that surprises its own engineers with a record-setting track performance is worthy in our book.

当高兴合不拢嘴与厥起双唇亲吻的这样美好的时刻,有四种简单的方法可以使你的双唇看起来更加的甘美。Four easy ways to get luscious lips whether your mouth is opened wide in delight or puckered up for a kiss.

随着这些技巧不断的纯熟,你就能在这些变态的窄裂缝上健步如飞了,到时可别高兴到笑的合不拢嘴。After you’ve made some headway with these techniques, you’ll be flying up these harder sizes, grinning ear to ear.

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太晚了,我们已经和另一家公司签订了1年的合同,免费的新型卫星设备让我合不拢嘴。Too late. We've signed a new one-year agreement and we couldn't be happier with our new, free digital video recorder.

“玩个花巧,让观众合不拢嘴巴,切尔西没有这样的巴萨式球员,”穆里尼奥说道。"In Chelsea we do not have a player like Barcelona have, to do a trick and leave people with open mouths, " Mourinho added.

客战特雷维索,C·扎内蒂一脚定江山,在谈到这个由卡莫拉内西助攻的进球时,扎内蒂笑得合不拢嘴。Smiling from ear to ear, Cristiano Zanetti explained his goal celebration with Camoranesi after scoring the decider away at Treviso.