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任何银行对他而言都是掌中玩物。Any bank is open play for him.

必竟我们都是时间手中的玩物!We unexpectedly must be all toys in the hand of time!

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1912年,汽车依然是富人的玩物。In 1912, the automobile was still a toy of the wealthy.

那个军阀把他的小妾当作美丽的玩物。The warlord treated his concubines as gracefulplaythings.

各界可爱大顽童,欢迎前来玩物励志。Welcome all lovely kidults to come, to play and be inspired.

因此,心智,头脑,不再是思想的一个玩物。So, the mind, the brain, is no longer a plaything of thought.

从一个标准的贵宾犬到玩物,这很容易做到。To go from a standard poodle to a toy, it's fairly easily done.

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“聪明”不过是用来形容汽车手表以及其他商品经销商的虚拟玩物用词罢了。"Smart" is a virtual toy-word for car watch and other hardware dealers.

外界很少能有一个窗口看到金正日的国家玩物。It's not often you get a window into Kim Jong Il's country-sized plaything.

然而和许多御宅族不同的是,他们对自己的玩物怀有真实的罗曼蒂克式情感。Unlike most otaku, though, they have real romantic feelings for their toys.

中国的景泰蓝制品主要为皇帝,朝臣和学者的玩物。Chinese cloisonné was made for the delight of emperors, courtiers and scholars.

我偏执的认为老死是懦弱的,可我也明白,玩物即在,便自有道理。I am paranoid that death is weak, but I also understand, toy is, has its reason.

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东方不败根本不把杨莲亭当人看,只是拿他当一个玩物。East dont hurt dont Yang Lianting when people look at, just take him as a plaything.

在这些妇性如愿以偿的戏剧中,男人们被降到玩物的地位。Men in these dramas of female wish-fulfillment are reduced to the status of playthings.

隐约可见的一个个房间陈列着古老的典籍、古怪的画作和奇异的东方玩物。The hidden rooms reveal ancient libraries, strange art works, and eclectic oriental objects.

把女人作为富有的玩物,打牌,他们不会花尽所有的钱去赎回你。The woman as a plaything of the rich, play cards, they do not spend all the money to redeem you.

这对较为聪明而谨慎小心的成年人觉察出玉娇龙对稀罕和危险玩物如“青冥剑”的贪婪之心。The wiser, more cautious adults sense Jen 's avidity for rare and dangerous toys like the Green Destiny.

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苔丝没有委曲求全,甘当玩物,而是决然分开了亚雷,这又说明她是一个全新的富有对抗肉体的新女性。Her not stoop to compromise demonstrated that Tess was the figure of a new woman with the rebellious spirit.

一种大自然赐予的柔软而强健的玩物,专供人在家里诸事不顺的时候踢上两脚。A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle.

那么我们应该做些什么来阻止这些主题成为见不得人的公司利益的玩物呢?So what should we do to prevent these threads from becoming the plaything of undisclosed corporate interests?