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随着泳绒梭子蟹冲刷上了海岸,海星也在英格兰海滩冲到了岸上。Starfish have also washed ashore on England's beaches, along with the velvet swimming crabs.

本发明涉及一种三疣梭子蟹幼蟹饲料配方及其加工方法。The invention relates to a juvenile horse crab feed formula and a processing method thereof.

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不同底物及浓度对三疣梭子蟹消化酶活力的影响。The effect of substrate and concentration from Portunus trituberculatus on digestive enzyme activity.

本文对梭子蟹壳综合利用的一种途径与相关内容进行了研究。This paper studied one way and the related content of comprehensive utilization of the portunid carapace.

对梭子蟹蛋白的酶解动力学机制进行研究,建立碱性蛋白酶酶解梭子蟹蛋白的动力学模型。Protein from swimming crab was hydrolyzed by alcalase, and a kinetic model for the hydrolysis was established.

泳绒梭子蟹的眼睛是鲜红色的,甲壳上覆盖着细绒毛,使它具有柔软光滑的质地。The velvet swimming crab has bright red eyes, with a coat of fine hair on its shell giving it a velvety texture.

先买了梭子蟹,每人两只,然后是大闸蟹和两种海贝。We went for some swimming crabs first, two for each, then we bought some hairy crabs and then two different shellfishes.

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个体发育阶段特异性的同工酶可以作为一项生化指标用于三疣梭子蟹发育阶段的鉴别。The stage-specific isozymes can be used as the biochemical indices to identify the specificity of a certain developmental stage.

说明海水盐度的逐渐变化比海水盐度的骤变对远海梭子蟹的影响小。All these show that the gradual changes of seawater salinity have less influence upon Portunus pelagicusthan the sudden changes of it.

另外,以中华绒螯蟹为外群探讨了梭子蟹科几个属种的系统进化关系。In addition, the phylogenetic relationship among several genera of Portunidea was discussed using Eriochier sinensis as the out-group.

通过对冷冻贮藏在不同温度下的梭子蟹进行感官鉴定和理化指标的测定,从而找出不同冻结温度对梭子蟹品质影响的结果。Through studying the swimming crab as identify the sense organ and determine physics and chemistry norm in different freezing temperature.

将传统的菌落菌体形态分类方法与分子生物学方法相结合研究了三疣梭子蟹养殖塘底泥中一个细菌类群的多样性。Bacteria diversity was investigated in culture pond sediment of Portunus trituperculatus by means of the characteristics of morphology of colony, cell and 16S rDNA.

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由于三疣梭子蟹具有生长快、环境适应能力强、病害少、市场价格高、国内外价格稳定等特点,使得各地三疣梭子蟹养殖不断升温。Because of the swimming crab grow rapid, have good ability to adapt the circumstance, suffer from little diseases, high price and the price stabilization and so on.

海、淡水产品十分丰富,最名贵的鳗鱼、石斑鱼、鲳鱼、马鲛、对虾、膏蟹、梭子蟹、鱿鱼、牡蛎、紫菜等。Chaoshan is bestowed with abundant aquatic product, including precious eels, groupers, pomfrets, sierras, prawns, green crabs, shuttle crabs, squids, oysters and lavers.

盛产黄鱼、带鱼、鲳鱼、墨鱼、弹涂鱼和梭子蟹、蝤蛑、蛏子、对虾等,是一个鲜活的经年收获的海湾。Rich in fish, octopus, pomfret, cuttlefish, fish and swimming crab shells painted, marine products, razor clams, shrimp, etc. , is a fresh harvest of the Gulf for years.

本文对梭子蟹甲壳素在碱介质中非均相脱乙酰的动力学进行了研究,结果表明,梭子蟹甲壳素脱乙酰反应过程符合假一级动力学关系。Kinetics of the deacetylation of Portunus Trituberculatus Chitin in heterogeneous alkaline solution are studied. The results show that they conform to a pseudo first order.

对三疣梭子蟹养殖池塘水体异养细菌的数量和菌群组成进行了调查分析。The quantity and composition of heterotrophic bacteria community were investigated from water column of Portunus trituperculatus rearing pond in Meishan, Ningbo in October.

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本发明提高了梭子蟹蟹黄含量,提高养殖产品风味,提高了养殖效益。The invention satisfies the nutrition demand of swimming crab, increases the crab oil content of swimming crab, improves culture product flavor, and increases culture benefit.

三疣梭子蟹胚胎期腹神经链由1对大颚、2对小颚和2对颚足所对应的神经节以及腹部神经链组成。The ventral nerve cord of the crab in the embryo included 1 pair mandibular neuromere, 2 pairs neuromeres of maxillae, 2 pairs neuromeres of maxillipede and abdomen nerve cord.

梭子蟹的加工产生了大量的下脚料,其中蟹壳是主要组成部分,含有丰富的甲壳素和钙资源,具有较高的利用价值。The crab shell is the main components of portunid wastes which produced during the processing of the portunid, includes the rich resource of chitin and calcium, has the high use value.