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镇长说,盐。一个盐罐又从暗影递出来。A slicing knife came out from the dark.

邻家一位妇女向年已八十的法官斯蒂芬斯镇长抱怨。complained to the mayor, judge Stevens, eighty years old.

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里奇.洛奇是加萨威的镇长,他还开了一家旅馆,同时也是小城的丧葬承办人。He also runs a restaurant and is the town's funeral director.

伊弗珊的镇长艾伦•布斯说道。Now it’s the opposite, ” says Alan Booth, the mayor of Evesham.

特雷萨已决定作为候选人参加本镇镇长的竞选。Teresa has decided to become a candidate for mayor of our town.

镇长本人鼓励的斗鸡停止了。The cockfights, instituted by the mayor himself, were suspended.

镇长崔佛利表示,「我们已经告诉他们可以著手进行。」"We've told them to get it lined up to do it, " Mayor Vince Trively said.

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约翰.李.威尔森是那个大约有150人的海恩斯小镇的镇长。John Lee Wilson was the mayor of Haynes, a small town of about 150 people.

全国三分之一以上的市、镇长是从业或退休的农场主。More than one-third of the country’s mayors are active or retired farmers.

Efze镇长马丁·瓦格纳承认他们犯了一个“大错”。Martin Wagner, mayor of Homberg-an-der-Efze, admits that the town made a "blunder".

年轻的镇长请我到他家去吃过一顿臧式大餐。The young leader of the town once invited me to his home for a Tibetan-style feast.

夏荷和海镇长对海定远的决定非常不满。Summer lotus and the mayor of Dingyuan sea sea is very dissatisfied with the decision.

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卓拉的母亲是一位老师,她父亲是一位建筑工人和教堂里的牧师,他还是伊顿威尔镇的镇长。Her father was a builder and a church preacher. He also became the mayor of Eatonville.

到乌鸦岭墓园北方小屋里找「亚伯克隆比」还任务“巨魔盗贼”并接后续任务“给镇长的字条”。Go back to Abercrombie and hand in "Ogre Thieves", get the follow up "Note to the Mayor".

镇长骑着母马,来到集市广场上,准备买头小熊,让它坐在自己的安好椅上。To the fair at the square, Prepared to buy a little bear, That will sit on his fair chair.

密尼沃坎镇长麦阔伊德含泪说,这把人们都逼疯了。"This is tearing people apart, " said Minnewaukan Mayor Trish McQuoid, fighting back tears.

殊不知,说此话者的本意是讽刺镇长大人的哟。Little imagine, the original idea of the person that say this word is acid alcalde adult oh.

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“这并不完全准确,”辛尼上尉说,“贝克曼镇长被枪击时他手中并没有枪。”"That is not quite correct, " Captain Sinn said. "Mayor Beckham had no gun when he was shot."

弗罗多写书时,我们看见的那页上方写着萨姆被选为哈比镇镇长。When Frodo is writing the book, the top of the page notes that Sam was elected Mayor of Hobbiton.

但镇长毫不同情,反而对这些妻子们说,如果他们想留住自己的男人,那就要性感点。But the mayor, far from sympathising, told the wives to get sexy if they wanted to keep their men.