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就像在针眼里找蜗牛。Like looking fora snail in a needle. Or summat.

无意中,我发现,她手上有一块红肿,被针眼扎过。Inadvertently, I found, she had a red hand, be a tie.

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她年纪太大了,不能把线穿入针眼里了。She is too old to run a thread through a needle's eye.

这本书竟小到可穿过针眼,但也只能在显微镜下才能阅读。This mini book was small enough to pass through the eye of a needle.

该死的那些腐败的警察,撞车后留下的41个针眼。Fuck the corrupt cops with their anus-violating plungers and their 41 shots.

开始是在针眼处出现一个小红结节,几个星期或几个月后发展为脓包、脓肿或溃疡。Over weeks or months it can develop into a large pustule, abscess, or ulcer.

勿在丝绸服装上扣别针,否则易留下针眼。Don't button up brooch on the silk clothing, otherwise leave pinprick easily.

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勿在丝绸服装上扣别针,否则易留下针眼。Never enchase a brooch on the silk garment, otherwise it will leave pinprick easily.

针号越大,针杆就越粗,针眼的宽度和长度也同比增加。Larger the needle size, bigger the blade and eyes, and longer the needle as same proportion.

天才微雕艺术家威拉德·维冈在一个24克拉的金针针眼里雕出了奥巴马一家。Talented Willard Wigan has carved Mr Obama and his family into the eye of a 24-carat gold needle.

针眼可能是一种单的运动衫拉过绒的编织或则浅黄褐色的拉过绒的编织或则类似的。The stitch is probably a single jersey knit-brushed or a rachelle knit-brushed or something similar.

对于一些人来说,投票的感觉就像献血一样好,只不过没有饼干,也没有留下针眼。Voting makes some people feel as good as if they just gave blood, but you don’t get cookies or a pin.

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她默默地挑出了一根针眼非常小的针,一下子就把线穿了过去。Without saying a word, she chose a needle with a very small eye, and threaded it at her first attempt.

雕刻展上科年科的雕刻作品还包括在一根头发丝里镶嵌一个金色十字架模型和在一个针眼里放置一个骆驼大篷车模型。Among the works of Konenko are a gold cross inside a human hair and a caravan of camels inside a needle eye.

她那瘦削的脸上布满了倦意,一双粗糙发红的手上到处是针眼,因为她是一个裁缝。Her face is thin and worn, and she has coarse, red hands, all pricked by the needle, for she is a seamstress.

耶稣对富人的批评可谓触目惊心,骆驼穿过针眼比富人进天国都要容易的。It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

与食物有关的过敏,如有些人嗜食海鲜、巧克力等等而引起过敏并产生针眼。And food-related allergies, as some people preferable seafood, chocolate, etc. and cause allergy and generate Zhenyan.

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他的雕塑是如此的小,都可以放在一个针头上或在放在针眼里,就像他的这个自由女神像。He’s sculptures are so small they can rest on the head of a pin or in the eye of a needle, like his Statue of Liberty sculpture.

警方说快速通道迅速成为了瓶颈,并把这一场景形容为试图穿过“针眼”。Police said the passageway quickly turned into a bottleneck, describing it as being like trying to get through "the eye of a needle".

盖茨则是一个书呆子中的书呆子,还是世界首富,他要是能上天堂那骆驼都能钻过针眼了。Gates is a nerd's nerd and the world's richest man, as likely to enter heaven as the proverbial camel squeezing through the needle's eye.