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四川被称为“天府之国”。Sichuan is noted as the “Land of Abundance”.

四川还有一个别称,天府之国。Sichuanalso has a nickname, Land of Abundance.

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四川是天府之国,那可富庶得很哪。Szechwan is called the Heavenly Kingdom. There are lots of rich people there.

四川素有“天府之国”的美称。Sichuan has always enjoyed the reputation of the being “Heavenly Land of Plenty”.

公司座落在具有“天府之国”美称的成都平原,美丽的四川省省会城市——成都市的北大门。It is located the north gate of Chengdu, a Land of Abundance, the capital city of Sichuan.

成都历史悠久,有“天府之国”、“蜀中江南”、“蜀中苏杭”的美称。Chengdu has a long history, the "Land of Abundance", "Xiu Jiangnan", "Xiu Suzhou and Hangzhou"reputation.

精选天府之国优质原料,采用盈棚技术精工制作。It selects top grade raw materials in the Land of Abundance, and is produced with our advanced techniques.

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我们诚挚的邀请您来天府之国成都与我们共同度过一个关于飞盘与激情的周末。We invite you to join us for a weekend of Ultimate and excitement in the capital city of Sichuan, Chengdu.

这许许多多场的出现,当然得益于“天府之国”优越的自然环境和丰饶的物产。This situation was of course resulted from the favorable natural conditions of Sichuan and its rich produce.

四川地大物博,人杰地灵,历史悠久,自古享有“天府之国”之美誉。Sichuan vast land, old times, has a long history, from ancient times to enjoy, "Land of Abundance"reputation.

成都五星实业公司地处于美丽富饶、风景迷人的天府之国成都。Chengdu Wuxing Industrial Corporation is located in beautiful and richly endowed "country in heaven"- Chengdu.

四川省位于中国的西部,素来被称为“天府之国”,这里不仅盛产稻米,也是中国另一桑蚕业的发达地区。Sichuan, located in west China, is known as the "Land of Abundance", not only rich in rice and also famous for its sericiculture.

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以都江堰为首的水利设施建设,减少了川西平原的水患,更对蜀地起到灌溉的作用,使其成为“天府之国”。The construction of water facilities reduced the Flooding, irrigated Chengdu Plain, and made Sichuan region into Land of Abundance.

四川自古被誉为天府之国,人杰地灵,在艺术领域更是人才辈出,硕果累累。Sichuan has been praised as land of abundance and outstanding people, especially in the arts mahoganypanelled splendour and rewarding.

小女子来自天府之国四川,希望来到技能交换网上面交换我们互相希望学习到的技能,新手到来,多多指教!Little Women from China, Hope to exchange our skills exchange online face each other want to learn the skills, novice coming exhibitions!

岷江上游是成都平原最主要的供水来源,被称为是“天府之国”生命的源泉。The upper reaches of Minjiang River is a main water source in Chengdu Plain and is known as the source of the life of "country in heaven".

四川省地处于中国西南,地大物博,历史悠久,自古享有“天府之国”的美誉。Known as the "Land of Abundance", Sichuan province is located in southwest China, and is famous for the rich agricultural and mineral resources.

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两千多年来,它一直发挥着防洪灌溉作用,使成都平原成为水旱从人、沃野千里的“天府之国”。For over two thousand years, it has been playing a role in the Chengdu Plain flood irrigation, as people from the flood, the vast" the land of abundance".

都江堰水利工程,科学有效地解决了灌溉、泄洪和排沙的问题,从此,成都平原成为了一个水旱从人,不知饥馑的天府之国。The Irrigation project resolved the problems of irrigation, flood discharging and sands reduction effectively, breeding Chengdu plain as the Land of Abundance.

四川华工石油钢管有限责任公司位于在素有“天府之国“美誉之称的成都平原上,地理位置优越,交通十分便利。Located in Chengdu Plain honored as "A Land of Abundance", and thus having geographic superiorities and transport facilities, Sichuan Huagong Petroleum Steel Pipe Co.