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我们的表弟妹们紧紧地缠着我们。Our cousins hook themselves on to us.

华兹是家中老大,有八个弟妹。He was the eldest in a family of nine children.

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然后我的弟妹们还得从绑匪那里营救我。And then my sibs had to rescue me from kidnappers.

珍妮是大姐,所以她照顾其他弟妹。As Jane was the eldest, she looked after the others.

朱莉藏了食物,她可以养活她的弟妹们。Julie hid food so she could feed her younger siblings.

大男孩有时会欺压自己的弟妹们。Big boys sometimes domineer their younger brothers and sisters.

我在五弟妹那里帮着看着就行了吗?Did I help to looking at and then go there at five sisters-in-law?

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本人愿意捐款支持传理奖学金,让学弟妹受惠。I would like to make a donation for the communication scholarship.

英嘉和比她更小的两个弟妹便日复一日地孤独地生活。From one day to the next Inga is left alone with two younger siblings.

给他们些零花钱,让他带着他的弟妹们去买些冷饮。Give them some money to take their younger siblings out for ice cream.

在继承权上长子优先于诸弟妹。Eldest son is preferentially all sister-in-laws on the right of succession.

正业向弟妹表明自己搬回来是为了照顾众人。On the move back to sister in law is for the sake of taking care of them all.

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我当是,弟妹两口子太过恩爱,把这礼儿都忘了。I am is, sister-in-law's couple was all also affectionate, forgot this gift sons.

直到表弟妹再他们的部落格替我卖广告后,图表突然就戏剧化的直线飞上去。It suddenly grows up dramatically after my cousins promoted my blog in their spaces.

善宇还在科大当过朋辈辅导员,为师弟妹担任导师,乐在其中。Michael also enjoyed his work as Peer Counselor, acting as mentor to younger students.

这份工作有固定的上下班时间,可以每天让他回家为弟妹们做晚饭。The job had regular hours, allowing him to be home every day to make dinner for the kids.

他最后告诉我的事,是好好照顾弟妹们,并且做个好榜样。The last thing she told me was to take care of my brothers and sisters and to set an example.

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大用这才知道自己的妻子和弟妹都是牡丹花神变的。At the work, Dayong began to realize that his wife and her sister were peony flower goddesses.

同过去相比,她和几个弟妹们一起共用的寝室,就成了她常常避难的地方了。The bedroom which she shared with some of the children formed her retreat more continually than ever.

什么‘弟妹弟妹’的我叫着都绕口,那大哥就叫你一声笛儿了。What'sister-in-law's sister-in-law'of I phone to round all, that eldest brother calls you a whistle son.