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这里有一些内参来帮助促进你们未来的彼此关系。Here are some insider tips to help nurture future interactions.

叶绿素是植物叶绿体内参与光合作用的重要色素。Chlorophyll is the important pigment involved in photosynthesis in plant chloroplasts.

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达施勒先生是前参议院多数党领袖,并且是总统的内参顾问。Mister Daschle was former Senate majority leader and a close advisor to the President.

研究了参数域内参数点选取,分别实现了均匀和非均匀选取方法。Researching the parameter points sampling algorithm, realize uniform and non-uniform sampling algorithms respectively.

研究结果为鸭GAPDH作为内参基因用于鸭相关基因定量表达分析奠定了基础。The results of this study will provide basis for GAPDH used as a reference gene to analyze the duck gene quantitatively.

随后该小组将一种RNA分子注射到老鼠大脑内参与情绪反应的杏仁核。The team then injected an RNA molecule into the rats' amygdalas, the region of the brain involved in emotional responses.

目前基因表达的转录分析多采用单一看家基因作为内参来校正目标基因的表达量。At present, transcription analysis of gene expression commonly uses a single housekeeping gene as control for normalization.

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本文把内参型非协调元的理论和方法推广应用于几何非线性分析。The approach of incompatible finite element with internal parameters is applied to geometrically nonlinear analysis in the paper.

内参比电极由银箔,氯化银层和干内参比电解质层构成。The internal reference electrode is composed of silver foil, a silver chloride layer and a dry internal reference electrolyte layer.

苹果酸是植物体内参与C4循环、景天酸循环等众多代谢途径的关键代谢物。As a key metabolic compound, Malate dehydrogenase plays a key role in many chemical reactions such as C4 pathway and crassulacean acid metabolism.

在协调元位移模式基础上附加内参项是构造非协调元的一种常用方法。In order to constitute an incompatible element, it is a familiar method to use additional internal parameters based on compatible displacement field.

本文将就线粒体内参与细胞凋亡的相关凋亡因子及针刺干预的相关研究进行综述。This paper reviewed research on related apoptosis-inducing factors, which participated in the apoptosis in mitochondria, and acupuncture intervention.

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日本木古内町,零下2.9度,年轻人在一神社内参与冬季净化仪式。Kikonai, JapanYoungmen take part in the Kanchu Misogi mid-winter purification ritual festival inminus 2.9 degrees Celsius temperature at the Samegawa shrine.

利用解析试函数法构造一个内参型四结点八自由度广义协调膜元。Based on the analytical trial functions, a 4-node 8 degrees-of-freedom generalized conforming plane element with internal parameters is developed in this paper.

这种对通道所进行地全局和私有划分可以让装配者视需要来控制解决方案内参与事件变化的组件集合。This division of channels into global channels and private channels permits the assembler of a solution to control the set of components involved in event exchange, if required.

实验表明,涂膜电极性能优于普通液体内参比体系的扑尔敏离子选择性电极。Experimental results demonstrate that the performance of this membrane electrode is superior to that of chlorphenamine ion selective electrode with common liquid inner reference system.

本文从物理概念和光学原理出发,推导了基于内参考点的X射线荧光全息术的数学描述,包括成像过程和重建过程。Drawing on physical concepts and optical principles, this thesis presents the mathematic description of X-ray fluorescence holography, including the imaging and reconstruction processes.

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但泄秘的中宣部内参显示了他不法行为的更猥琐的一面“所有媒体均不得报道和炒作关于李直军有18个情妇的新闻。”But a leaked directive from the Central Propaganda Bureau revealed a more salacious side to his misconduct "All media are not to report or hype the news that Liu Zhijun had 18 mistresses."

以指定时间段内参与计算电站的装机利用小时数相等为目标建立中期火电开机优化模型。An optimization model is established for medium-term thermal power boot, which takes the equal hours of capacity utilization as the objective for all thermal power plants in a certain period.

应用广义协调元理论,通过增加内参位移的方法,构造了两个具有旋转自由度的三角形膜元。Based on the theory of generalized conforming element, two triangular membrane elements with rotational degree of freedom are developed by introducing internal parameters into its displacement field.