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你们又要记念我是你们的骨肉。Remember, I am your flesh and blood.

骨肉离散。The family were scattered in different places.

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我对待我的小狗的方法就像亲生骨肉一样。I cared for my puppy as if I were raising a son.

她对兄长怀有真正的骨肉之情。She had a true sisterly feeling for her brother.

我最爱吃鸡的胸叉骨肉。My favorite part of the chicken is the wish bone.

⊙、人生所贵在知已,四海相逢骨肉亲。Meet in the life, all of the same flesh and blood.

Scrum是一种敏捷软件开发方法,特色在于它是一个框架,具体的骨肉需要额外填充。Are you experienced with Agile software development?

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总易让人想起那,水作的骨肉。General Yi is reminiscent of that of water made flesh.

但父母究竟为什么要丢弃自己的亲生骨肉?However, why did these parents abandon their own babies?

把我的骨肉交到一群贱狗的手上?Hand over my own son to the hands of a group of cheap beasts?

盼团圆,是海峡两岸骨肉兄弟的殷切祈盼。And reunion is the ardent wish of Cross-Straits blood brothers.

那个威廉特纳的亲生骨肉呢?The child in whose veins flows the blood of William Turner? where?

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牛肉,牛仔肉和小羊排,烤肉和排骨肉要煮至华氏145度。Beef, veal, and lamb steaks, roasts and chops can be cooked to 145 F.

汝用事,即侵削诸侯,疏人骨肉。Thou act, that is, cut feudatory invasion, sparse human osteosarcoma.

亲眼看见我的骨肉同胞被一伙外国人打败,我受不了哇。I cannot bear to see my countrymen defeated by a parcel of foreigners.

丽莎听到了骨肉相碰的声音,然后是一个由于疼痛而退缩的声音。Lisa heard a hollow meeting of flesh and bone and a follow up wince of pain.

凯文的伯母在凯文父母逝世后像扶养自己的亲生骨肉一样扶养他。When his parents died , Kevin's auntie raised him as if he were her own son.

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断尽骨肉关系好象是某些穷苦人家的本能。It seems to be the instinct of certain wretched families to break the thread.

盼团圆,是海峡两岸骨肉兄弟的殷切祈盼。Wish and reunion, The Cross-Straits blood brothers ardent to pray for and wish.

再者,她们并非亲妹妹,只不过是他母亲过世后,他父亲再娶而生的骨肉罢了。Besides, his sisters were only his half-sister, being that his father had married Mrs.