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又像英勇的火炬。And a valiant torch.

吉米,你是如此地英勇。You were so heroic, Jimmy.

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每一个士兵都英勇作战。Every soldier fight bravely.

每一个士兵都英勇作战。Every soldier fought bravely.

威灵顿立在那里,冷峻而英勇。Wellington was coldly heroic.

英勇的狗儿萨米与索�…Gallant Canines Sammy and Thor.

那么现在怎样,英勇无畏的领袖?So what now, oh fearless Leader?

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这个年轻人是个很英勇的武士。The young man is a bold warrior.

英勇的胖达要如何解救皮嘎呢?How will brave Ponda rescue Piga?

我觉得这是英勇的,惊人的。I think that's heroic, marvalous.

那些士兵英勇作战。The soldiers were tigers in fight.

他因其英勇事迹而受表彰。He is honored for his heroic deeds.

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感谢你今天表现的那么英勇。Thank you for being gallant today.

这支军队英勇抗敌。The army defied the enemy's forces.

他们为了解放而英勇斗争。They fought bravely for liberation.

当时我们英勇奋斗,今天却要畏缩不前吗?Did we brave all then to falter now?

他由于英勇而获得一枚奖章。He received a medal for his heroism.

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士兵因英勇而受到赞扬。The soldier is lauded for his bravery.

他的英勇使他获得荣誉。His braveness earned him the reputation.

全镇的人都英勇无畏地投入了这场战争。The town responded gallantly to the War.