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他把容器里积存的油全部倒出来了。He drained all the old oil out of the container.

我们积存一大笔钱留到明年用。We carried over a large sum of money for next year.

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如果你让油脂积存,排水管就会堵塞。The drain will plug up if you let grease settle in it.

心包积液指心包积存了心包液。Pericardial effusion is a collection of fluid in the pericardium.

绿-排出积存废弃物,净化身体使之清爽干净Green-eject to store a wastes, purify the body makes of the clearness is clean

霍利嘉也象征着冬季里积存了的污垢。Holika also signifies the dirt and filth that collects during the winter months.

中国政府称配额削减是为了避免鲁莽的开采积存污染。China says the quota cuts will prevent reckless and polluting mining of deposits.

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此外,三聚氰胺及类似物质据知并不在家畜体内积存。In addition, melamine and its analogs are not known to accumulate in the animals.

卡梅伦表示他决心解决积存已久的社会问题。The prime minister says he's determined to take on long-standing social problems.

雅皮士的理想是快速致富,然后花掉、花掉、花掉,不积存。The yuppie ideal to get rich quick and then spend, spend, spend, no longer exists.

心里面积存的压力也越来越大,真的不知道要怎仫去发泄。Keep in mind the area is also increasing pressure, really do not know how to vent to Mu.

清理那些床下的细碎积存的垃圾,不要再睡在过去的废物上面了。Remove all clutter and storage from under your bed and stop sleeping on stuff from the past.

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积存大量安全套的店主,可能会被指控在公共场所鼓励猥亵行为。The owners who stockpile a supply of rubbers may be accused of encouraging public indecency.

由于该底涂材料太厚而难以被喷进底盘狭小的缝隙中,水汽就会在这些缝隙中积存。The undercoating material is too thick to get into tiny crevices where moisture can collect.

学报文化是知识缔构、知识积存、知识传播的文化。Journal culture is the culture of knowledge founding and knowledge storing and knowledge spreading.

重庆这一座历史文化名城,最伟大也最壮烈的历史文化积存产生在抗日战争时期。Chongqing, as a historic and cultural city, lies heavily on its importance in the Anti-Japanese War.

在电器设备的周围不能积存水、油、脏物或灰尘。Water, dirt, oil, or excessive dust should not be allowed to accumulate around electrical equipment.

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每逢三年的末一年,你要将本年的土产十分之一都取出来,积存在你的城中。At the end of every three years, bring all the tithes of that year's produce and store it in your towns

在老解放区,农民一般每三年就能积存出一年的储备粮。In the older areas, the peasant was generally able to get one year's grain surplus out of every three years.

为解决气吸式割前摘脱装置的气流吸运管路底板上偶尔产生物料积存的问题,设计了一种底板振动装置。A vibrating bottom mechanism was developed to overcome the piled grain on the bottom of the air suction pipe.