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枪支爱好者现在十分庆幸。Gun-lovers are guardedly jubilant.

一名男子发疯似的用各种枪支乱射。A man went berserk with an arsenal of guns.

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枪支管制究竟带有什么样的种族主义色彩呢?In what bizarro world is gun control racist?

跨国携带枪支,违反假释。International gun charges. Parole violation.

印第安人用毛皮换取枪支和布匹。The Indians bartered furs for guns and cloths.

在内罗毕非法枪支被销毁,肯尼亚。Illegal weapons are set aflame in Nairobi, Kenya.

政治淌氓,坦克,导弹,枪支。Political hooligans with tanks, missiles and guns!

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警察以携带枪支罪逮捕了那个人。The policeman arrested the man for carrying a gun.

警察以携带枪支罪逮捕了那个人。The policemen arrested the man for carrying a gun.

枪支保持着青少年自杀方法的第一位。Guns remain the number-one method of youth suicide.

允许那些守法的枪支拥有者用枪来自卫。Empower law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves.

你无法将麦克维的这些行为归咎于全国枪支协会。You cannot blame the N. R. A. for McVeigh's actions.

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这侵害了守法枪支买家的权利?An intrusion on the rights of law-abiding gun buyers?

那位法官使用枪支作为证据合法化。The judge legitimated the use of the gun as evidence.

分清楚毒品,枪支和石油公司主管,别搞混了。Don't get mixed up with drugs, gangs or oil executive.

他们过去经常偷运枪支到邻近国家。They used to run firearms into neighbouring countries.

枪支和毒品贸易让大多数人依旧贫困。The guns and drugs trade left most people impoverished.

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齐默尔曼就不该被允许携带枪支。Zimmerman could have been barred from carrying a weapon.

牛仔们使用枪支,保护他们免受盗牛贼的袭击。Cowboys used guns to protect them against cattle thieves.

枪支管制问题将在下次竞选活动中成为主题。The issue of gun control will dominate the next election.