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农夫载回一车农产品。Nung-fu brings back a load of produce.

拥有最多农产品的玩家获胜。The player with the most produce wins.

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这家商店专售当地的新鲜农产品。The shop sells only fresh local produce.

农产品加工业和转型产业Agro-industry and Transformation industry

以批发市场为主体的农产品流通渠道。The AF through wholesale market and others.

在农产品的货道的喷雾器又喷到我了。The sprayers in the produce aisle got me again.

切成块的农产品,以及袋装沙拉较为省时便利。Precut produce and bagged salads are time-savers.

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贺州是绿色农产品生产基地。Hezhou is the base of green agricultural products.

他们会购买农产品和本地栽种的有机产品。for produce and for locally grown organic products.

我国地大物博,农产品生产各具特色。As China's vast land, agricultural production unique.

农产品协定的DVD开膛手的升级是免费的注册用户。AoA DVD Ripper's upgrade is free for registered users.

这个季节一波一波的农产品让我们应接不暇。The season swamps us under wave after wave of produce.

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以浸渍或者喷雾法施用于贮藏室保护采后农产品。Harvested produce, as a dip or spray in the packinghouse.

许多小农场提供的农产品价格都不算贵。Many small farms offer produce at very affordable prices.

你将必须在农产品和谷粮间做出选择吗?Are you going to have to choose between produce and grains?

现有国优名牌农产品3个,广西名优农产品11个。Now there are 3 national and 11 provincial quality products.

农业产业活动的成果是农产品。The finial output of the activity of agriculture is product.

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就像所有的新鲜农产品一样,你的香蕉是活的。You see, just like all fresh produce, your bananas are alive.

棉花是尼罗河谷的主要农产品。Cotton is the major agricultural product from the Nile Valley.

这个国家在很大程度上依赖于其农产品的出口。The country depends heavily on its export of farming products.