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天天一脸笑容,年年一本万利。A face of smile every day, year after year.

这些奴隶社会初期都是一本万利的All were highly profitable in their primes.

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南特港一本万利的奴隶贸易几乎完全停止。Nantes had its profitable slave trade reduced to nothing.

然而,舞台演出天生没有“一本万利”的繁殖力。However, natural stage there is no "lucrative" and fecundity.

竞相推出香水产品正在成为好莱坞明星们一本万利的选择。The perfume business is proving to be a very lucrative option for Hollywood celebrities.

我把宝押在奥巴马身上,他一定会在2012赢得连任,而且这个赌很可能一本万利。My money is on Barack Obama securing a second term in 2012 and quite possibly winning big.

全球人才危机和人才引进的的一本万利是引发这场人才大战的重要原因。Global talent crisis and great profits occurred by importing talents are the main reasons of this talent struggle.

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对于垃圾邮件发送者来说,他没有成本或者成本很低,对他们来说,这是一本万利、甚至无本万利的事情。For spam senders, He no cost or low cost to them, this is a big profit. even make big profits with no investment matters.

女人拿出性来挥霍,自以为便宜一本万利,其实老本都搭进去了。The woman puts out the nature to spend freely, from thought the cheap prize investment, the initial capital all built actually.

当时在巴拉基耶附近,有一家小酒店,经常替逃犯们供给服装,这是一种一本万利的特殊行当。A small country-house in the neighborhood of Balaguier was at that time the dressing-room of escaped convicts,--a lucrative specialty.

因此,品牌延伸是一把“双刃剑”,既可能是一本万利的好事,也可能是前进中万劫不复的深渊。So, Brand extension is a " double-edged sword " it may be the good thing of making big profits with a small capital, or the abyss beyond redemption while advancing.

投资失败难道还要政府买单吗,难道各位养蚂蚁就是一本万利,跟把钱扔进印钞厂一样。When investments fail, why should the government pay the bill?As if every single ant farmer will make a huge turnaround, like they'd just put their money into a money printing factory.

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换句话说,无论是宠物视频,还是篮球比赛,YouTube将视频呈现给用户的成本几乎是一样的,无论广告收入有多少,对它来说都是一本万利。That is, whether it's a cat video or a basketball game, the company spends about the same amount of money to present the video to the public, and whatever advertising revenue it earns is all gravy.