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我们不会在任何地方感到束手无策。We don't have to feel stuck anywhere.

这套新密码使敌特机关束手无策。The new code baffled the enemy agents.

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这套新密码使敌特机关束手无策。Tne new code baffled the enemy agents.

而车上的人对此束手无策。and they do not know how to fix the tire.

如果是金属键盘,那就束手无策了。And if the keypad is metal, fuhgeddaboudit.

面对现实,我们常常束手无策,举旗投降。To face the reality, we often do nothing, the flag to surrender.

子来的家人围在床的四周束手无策,大家哭成一团。His family members were at a loss, gathering around his bed and crying.

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贝尔蒂奇对你的削球和速度变化束手无策。Q. Berdych was having some problem with your slice and change of speed.

他光会耍笔杆,碰到实际问题就束手无策。He lives only by his pen and could do nothing when running into a problem.

新主人因为狗狗整夜叫个不停而束手无策。Like a new dog owner who's unsure what to do about her puppy barking all night.

而如今他却发现他在他自己的党派中是被孤立的一员并渐渐对此束手无策。Now he finds himself isolated in his own party and increasingly out of his depth.

但白宫官员随后却在谈判过程中感到了一些束手无策。But then the White House staff is several steps removed from a negotiating process.

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现代西医技术对这种疾病的死亡之手基本束手无策。Modern Western medicine has had little impact in staying the disease's deadly hand.

可以预测,总有一天,即使是我们最先进的医疗技术也将会对这些细菌束手无策。It is conceivable that bacteria will someday outsmart our best medical technologies.

它带着游泳者离开岸游了一段距离,然后把他留在那里,束手无策。It took the swimmer some distance from the shore and left him there, out of his depth.

但多数中小型淀粉厂对筛面的清洗束手无策。But many small and middle starch factories have no idea of washing the screening surface.

救援者在努力解救绵竹一所小学废墟中束手无策的学生。Rescuers try to help a stranded student out of the debris of a primary school in Mianzhu.

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难产,接生婆束手无策,需要马上去医院,把孩子生下来。The pregnancy was difficult, and the woman needed to go to the hospital to have her baby.

暴雪使千万计旅客在民族节日前进退维谷、束手无策。Heavy snowfalls have stranded thousands of passengers ahead of the nation's vacation period.

当地人担心看不到的油污会变成令BP和海岸警卫队束手无策的麻烦。Locals' concern is that out-of-sight oil will be out-of-mind oil for BP and the Coast Guard.