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我将帮助这只蚂蚁。I will help the ant.

这是蚂蚁洞。This is an ant hole.

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这是蚂蚁窝。This is the ant nest.

这儿是一个蚂蚁窝。Here is an ant's nest.

这儿是个蚂蚁窝。Here is an ants' nest.

看起来村民如同蚂蚁一般渺小。Villagers are ant-like.

蚂蚁正在吃蜜糖吗?Are the ants eating honey?

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蚂蚁行军歌。Sing The Ants go Marching.

蚂蚁更早来品花。The ants taste it earlier.

蚂蚁和苍蝇都是昆虫。Ants and flies are insects.

我是一只小小的蚂蚁。I am a little , little ant.

蚂蚁发现这令人尴尬。Ants find this embarrassing.

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多少蚂蚁是一家?。How Many Ants in an Anthill?

我摔倒在蚂蚁窝上。I fell back in the ant pile.

鸽子非常感激蚂蚁。The dove felt very grateful.

所有蚂蚁都吃流质食物。All ants live on liquid food.

我将会像踩扁一只蚂蚁一样踩扁你!I'll step on you like an ant!

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我以为这只小蚂蚁是知难而退。I think it is quit small ants.

想像自己是一只蚂蚁。Imagine yourself to be an ant.

蚂蚁大军浩浩荡荡的出发了。The army ants are on the move.