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你还记得万家灯火映照在水上的景象吗?Do you remember all the city lights on the water.

从飞机上俯视远处可以看到伦敦的万家灯火。Far below the plane we could see the lights of London.

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我在万家灯火熄灭的时候写字给你,写着你的样子,我的心思。I admire the time out to write you, the way you read my mind.

万家灯火的时候,很多人都在为了处理工作数据而加班。A lot of people in the overtime for data processing even at late-night.

夜幕降临后,我从旅馆俯瞰城市的万家灯火,当时那种震撼的感觉至今令我难以忘怀。I can remember the awe I felt looking out over all the city lights at night.

小时候的我最喜欢看夜幕中的万家灯火。When I was young I love to see in the night lamps and candles of a myriad families.

万家灯火照亮了隔岸的寂寞,荒芜的故事无人听说。Light across lamps and candles of a myriad families lonely, desolate nobody heard the story.

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在地球的其他地方,此时正是黑夜,她可以看到大城市的万家灯火。In other parts of the world, it is now night-time , and she can see the lights of the big cities.

天晴气朗的夜晚可以在这里看见济南万家灯火,所以此地又称为望府山。Long night of fine gas can be seen here Jinan lighted, so this place is also known as Hope House Hill.

他们的劳动成果不仅仅体现在万家灯火,而且还在于机动车的飞驰以及工厂烟囱的浓烟。The fruits of their work are not only lights in windows, but also locomotives, smoking pipes of plants.

如果现在他从太空往下看,看到的也许不再只是我们城市的万家灯火。还会看到渔船的点点灯光。If he looked down from space today he might no longer see just the lights of our cities but the many lights of fishing boats.

从教堂出来后,我一个人走在北京深夜的大街上,看着万家灯火,上帝在哪里呢?Came out from the church, I walked along the street in the deep night in Beijing, looking the houses and lights, where is God?

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夜幕笼罩,那散落一地的万家灯火中,有多少寻常的幸福正蜗居在巷陌……With the veil of night shrouding and a myriad lights casting on the ground, in the lanes there diffuses innumerable ordinary happiness.

尽管城市里每条小巷深处那一盏盏万家灯火里流淌的“冬至”节的温暖还在,可渗透了城市“骨髓”的西方传统圣诞节正在走进我们的生活。Although each city alley lighted beacon in the depths of which flow the "Winter" section is still warm, permeable the city, "bone marrow" is the Western tradition of Christmas into our lives.

走出酒店的时候,又到了万家灯火的时候,回首看着身后的上海宏安瑞士大酒店,似乎已经成为了一颗点缀上海繁华夜空的新星。When we left the deluxe hotel, the lights were all on. It was pretty late. We looked back to take a last look at the hotel, and found it was shining like a new star that graces Shanghai's night sky.

很快的,天上渐渐布满了点点繁星,已经是万家灯火的时候了,但我还是站在那里等着,我相信,失主一定会找回来的。Very quick of, sky gradual spread all over a point point heavy star, was already ten thousand time of lights, but I still station wait for over there, I believe, owner certain will find back come of.