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她说服他移居。She persuaded him to decamp.

假若遇到危险,它会喷出墨汁出来,然后逃之夭夭。In case of danger, it will eject ink out, then decamp.

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不过还是有人被竞争对手以高出一倍的奖金挖走。Some, however, are being offered double that to decamp to rivals.

先是从学校,再是从城市,现在,在她的梦里也逃之夭夭了。The first is from school, and then from the city, now, in her dream also decamp.

许多路易斯安那人担心墨西哥湾的钻进设备会被撤向西非或巴西。Many Louisianans fret that Gulf-based drilling rigs will decamp for West Africa or Brazil.

在华盛顿的很多政府机构,公职人员跳槽到私营公司司空见惯。In many quarters in Washington, government officials decamp for the private sector as a matter of course.

对此瑞士银行受限更大,瑞士毫无疑问想要一位外国买家帮助他们撤回瑞士本土。For UBS, the Swiss would also doubtless want a foreign buyer to decamp to Switzerland, a big barrier to a deal.

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只要年青人能在或远或近的城镇工作,他们就会离开,致使其年老的父母耕种土地。Youngsters decamp as soon as they can to work in towns near and far, leaving their ageing parents to till the soil.

如果有些金融家为了寻找更低的税务账单而选择到一些小小的岛国安营扎寨的话,那么我们就祝他好运吧!If a few financiers choose to decamp for some small island-state in search of the smallest possible tax bill, we should wish them good luck.

你可以诚实的说你不清楚你是否是合适的人选,但你希望通过开诚布公的面试来看看你是否适合这个职位。"You can be honest and say you're not sure you're in the market but would like to discuss the opening to see if it would be a good fit, " DeCamp said.

直到最后,这个可怜的无辜的人儿起头思疑她自己的感受,深陷与她所想的曲解的谜团之中,于是她说服她的妈妈和她一路仓皇离去。till finally the poor innocent was led to doubt her own senses, and, overwhelmed with confusion at her supposed mistake, persuaded her mamma to decamp.

谁也不会认为在意大利、墨西哥、肯尼亚或泰国的旅游胜地会被告知“当地人可以在这儿住,你们外国人必须到别处过夜。”No one expects to visit a place in Italy or Mexico or Kenya or Thailand and be told that "Locals can stay, yes, but you foreigners have to decamp for the night"!