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布鲁尔是一个有趣的人。This is a restaurant.

那家餐厅烂透了!That restaurant sucks!

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我嘹饭店工作。I work in a restaurant.

我的餐馆烧起来了。My restaurant is on fire.

这是中餐厅。It's a Chinese restaurant.

这是四川饭店。This is Sichuan Restaurant.

麻辣餐厅怎么样?What about Mala Restaurant.

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大邱的一家韩国餐馆。A Korean restaurant in Daegu.

随机的自选自配餐馆。Random pick'n'mix restaurant.

醉红楼酒店很好。Red House restaurant is good.

这个餐厅是他的构想。The restaurant is his vision.

那家餐馆棒极了!The restaurant was excellent.

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他们在饭馆外设置纠察。They picketed the restaurant.

对不起,全满了。Sorry, the restaurant is full.

那是城里最有名的饭店。That's the restaurant in town.

我们先去了素食餐厅。We went to a vegan restaurant.

你能在餐馆冲澡吗?Can you shower in a restaurant?

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我们去了一家法国餐厅。So we went a French restaurant.

这里是山外山餐馆。This is Shanwaishan Restaurant.

提塔斯以前是饭店经理。Titus was a restaurant manager.