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这不仅是道德上错误的行为。It not only was wrong morally.

堕胎从道德上讲合乎情理吗?Is abortion morally defensible?

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你真的是道德败坏。You are really morally bankrupt.

你为什么会在道德上赦免他们?Why would you morally exonerate them?

但是放弃是道德所不允许的。But to give up is not morally permissible.

但是我们不能这样做,从道义上讲这样是错误的。We can't do that. Morally it would be wrong.

那李四要对他的行为负上完全的道义责任吗?Is Bill fully morally responsible for his actions?

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我觉得男妓以性换钱的想法在道德上是矛盾的。I find the idea of sex for money morally repugnant.

所有人都认为这是一处道德上正确的事情。Everyone agrees that that is a morally good thing to do.

自我理想激励我们去做那些合乎道义的事情。The ego-ideal motivates us to do what is morally proper.

良心阻止我们去做那些道义上的坏事。The conscience prevents us from doing morally bad things.

作布希干细胞研究决定道德上可接受?Was Bush's stem cell research decision morally acceptable?

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所以刻板印象是复杂的,会引起道德问题。So, stereotypes are complicated and morally fraught things.

这样的话你会怎么想,这在道德上是正当的吗?Then what do you think? Would it be morally justified then?

他从来都是这样淡泊名利,一片冰心。He is always morally pure and indifferent to fame and fortune.

但是狄公大义凛然,据理争辩毫不妥协。However, Di Gong morally justified to argue without compromise.

对,我认为他们的行为在道德上不算正当。Yeah, I don't think that they acted in a morally appropriate way.

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多少会投“有罪“,认为道德上是不允许的?And how many would vote 'guilty', what they did was morally wrong?

比尔是否对杀死他的妻儿负有道德责任?Is Bill fully morally responsible for killing his wife and children?

你认为即便是派克同意了,这在道德上也是不正当的?You don't think that even with consent it would be morally justified?