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根据路透社和美联社的消息,俄航确认斯诺登并不在那架飞机上。Aeroflot confirms Snowden was not on that plane, according to both Reuters and AP.

据称,斯诺登在俄航150航班上订了一个座位,经济舱17A。Mr. Snowden was said to have reserved a ticket on the flight, Aeroflot Flight 150, in coach seat 17A.

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两年前,为向俄罗斯奥运代表队致敬,俄罗斯国际航空为这架波音767-300喷上了银红两色。Two years ago, Russian airline Aeroflot painted this Boeing 767-300 silver and red to honor Russia's Olympic team.

上世纪70年代末制造,用来解决俄罗斯航空公司最紧张的航线上的客流问题。It was created in the end of 70-s for solving the problem of passenger traffic on the most intense lines of Aeroflot.

同日,前苏联俄罗斯航空坠毁于跑到一公里以外的湖里,造成174人死亡。On the exact same day, 174 people were killed when a Soviet Aeroflot crashed in a lake about a kilometer from the runway.

波音公司商用飞机负责人斯科特·卡尔森表示,俄国际航空公司订购的787“梦想飞机”将从2014年开始交付。Scott Carson, Boeing Co. 's commercial airplanes chief, said delivery of the 787 Dreamliners to Aeroflot would begin in 2014.

波音公司和俄罗斯国际航空公司上周六签订了一笔交易,俄国际航空公司将从波音购买22架喷气式“梦幻飞机”。Boeing and Aeroflot signed a deal Saturday for the Russian carrier to acquire 22 Dreamliner jets from the American plane maker.

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美国举报人爱德华·斯诺登搭乘俄罗斯国际航空公司的一架航班从香港前往莫斯科,香港当局已确认这一消息。US whistleblower Edward Snowden is en route to Moscow from Hong Kong on an Aeroflot flight, Hong Kong authorities have confirmed.

香港当局表示,斯诺登登上了飞往莫斯科谢列梅捷沃机场的俄航班机,该航班已于周日下午到达。The authorities in Hong Kong said Mr. Snowden boarded an Aeroflot flight to Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport that arrived on Sunday afternoon.

为斯诺登提供援助的维基解密,俄航等都向各个单位宣称他是去了俄罗斯。Wikileaks, which says it has been assisting Snowden, and Aeroflot sources speaking to various news organisations both said he was going to Russia.

周一,值机人员邀请乘客登上前往哈瓦那的俄罗斯航班之时,登机口安检极其严格。Security was extremely tight at the gate at Sheremetyevo airport on Monday as agents called passengers to board the Havana-bound Aeroflot aircraft.

宣称为斯诺登提供援助的维基解密,俄航等都向各个单位宣称他是去了俄罗斯。Wikileaks, , which says it has been assisting Snowden, and Aeroflot sources speaking to various news organisations both said he was going to Russia.

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俄罗斯航空公司最近退出服务的图-154机队,主要是因为飞机不符合国际噪音限制和使用太多的燃料。The Russian carrier Aeroflot recently withdrew its Tu-154 fleet from service, largely because the planes do not meet international noise restrictions and use too much fuel.