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琪妮在他胸膛上放了一个烟灰缸。Ginny put an ashtray on his chest.

“在那儿。”金妮贴着哈利的耳朵小声说。"In there, " whispered Ginny in Harry's ear.

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在银幕下的金妮韦斯莱,邦妮莱特看起来相当成熟。Ginny under the movie, Bonnie Wright looks so mature.

你明白吗,可怜的金妮变得越来越虚弱的时候,我就变得越来越强壮。You see, as poor Ginny grows weaker, I grow stronger.

佩格姨妈是金妮认识的最有活力的人了。Aunt Peg was the most lively person Ginny had ever known.

金妮使用这个咒语攻击了马尔夫在凤凰社一书中。Ginny casts this spell on Draco Malfoy in Order of the Phoenix.

我还觉得他和Ginny的小打小闹,作者处理得很得体。I also thought his spat with Ginny was done very appropriately.

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是的,哈利,打开密室的人就是金妮·韦斯莱。Yes, Harry, it was Ginny Weasley who opened the chamber of secrets.

但后来,我又想起吉尼和迈克的事,迈克一直都记着吉尼。But later, it was back on my mind again. Mike remembered Ginny all the time.

这暗示了在那儿以后她和金妮。韦维斯莱成了好朋友。It is hinted that she has become friends with Ginny Weasley behind the scenes.

金妮韦斯莱是亚瑟和莫丽家族中最小的也是唯一的女儿。Ginny Weasley is the youngest child and only daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley.

“我就知道金妮说你有文身是在说谎。”罗恩低头看着赤裸的胸脯说。"I knew Ginny was lying about that tattoo, " said Ron, looking down at his bare chest.

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最后,金妮和卢娜来了后,赫敏才说了哈利最想听的话。Finally, after Ginny and Luna come in, Hermione says what Harry desperately needs to hear.

Ginny现在有51个员工,有6名是最近半年才加入的。Ginny currently has has 51 employees, six of which have been added in the last six months.

关于佩格姨妈最棒的一件事就是当金妮在她身边的时候,金妮就觉得更有意思了。The best part about Aunt Peg was that when Ginny was around her, she felt more interesting.

引导我们注意到真实的金妮的线索,在一至四册书中——如果我们选择一些正确的标记性的语句。The clues to the real Ginny are all there in books one to four if we choose to read the signs aright.

金妮用飞机上提供的不起作用的小毯子把自己围起来,把包裹紧紧贴在胸前。Ginny wrapped herself in the tiny and ineffectual airline blanket and clutched the package to her chest.

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离婚后我给吉尼和孩子们的钱比法院要求的还要多,每周我都去看他们一次。After the divorce I gave Ginny and the kids more than the courts said I should. I go see them once a week.

所以,没有任何理由相信金妮会像圭尼维尔对亚瑟王那样背叛哈利。Therefore, there is no reason to believe that Ginny will be unfaithful to Harry as Guinevere was to Arthur.

多年后哈利和金妮在9又3/4车站送孩子到霍格沃兹上学的时候遇见了德拉科。Harry and Ginny are on Platform 9 , sending their children to Hogwarts, when Harry and Draco see each other.