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招标无假货!No Fake biddings!

无假货邮政编码。NO Fake Zip Codes.

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这是假皮的吗?Is this fake leather?

这个目标是一种假目标。The target is a fake.

其他女性都是假装的。All the others fake it.

这是幅假画。This is a fake picture.

修出完美的指甲。Fake a perfect manicure.

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这一点是假装不来的。There’sno way to fake it.

我知道如何捏造事实。I know just how to fake it.

冒牌圣诞老人撒了谎。The fake Santa Clause lied.

我只是造了那份假条约。I only made the fake treaty.

他们笑的太假了。One, Their fake a laugh too.

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而且,连他的胡子都是假的。And that's his beard is fake.

橡皮泥和菓子。Fake wagashi with plasticene.

那乞丐的跛足乃系作伪。The beggar's limp was a fake.

谁想假装自信呢?Who wants to fake confidence?

我把我的脸假皱眉头。I put a fake frown on my face.

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为什么人们会买到假冒伪劣产品呢?Why people buy the fake goods?

莪迷失勒方向,莪被逼俑叚面目视秂。Lose my way, Im forced to fake.

这幅假画一钱不值。The fake painting is worthless.