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她也做了超声波检查。She also had an ultrasound.

超声和未来的人工流产。Ultrasound and the future of abortion.

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超声莫菲氏征阳性。Murphy sign of ultrasound was positive.

腹部超音波的提示和技巧。Tips and tricks for abdominal ultrasound.

空化效应是超声的主要生物学效应之一。Cavitation is one of ultrasound chief bioeffects.

超声波扫描仪的体积,已逐步改小。The size of ultrasound scanners has been falling.

这是我们宝宝的第一张超音波照片!This is the first Ultrasound picture of our baby!

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还有谁会用一个超声波音响蛋糕来庆祝?Who else would celebrate with an Ultrasound Cake?

应用B型超声对颈动脉进行扫查。B-mode ultrasound was used to detect carotid artery.

研究了超声波对生皮的作用。The effects of ultrasound on raw skins were studied.

超声作用并未明显增加细胞死亡率。Ultrasound did not increase the rate of cell-killing.

也是超声波心动图检查的一个部分。Doppler ultrasound is part of the echocardiogram test.

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超声弹性成像有许多优点。Ultrasound elastography offers a number of advantages.

功率超声是超声学的一个重要分支。Power ultrasound is an important branch of ultrasonics.

超声能够影响神经阻滞的风险效益比值吗?Can ultrasound impact the risk-benefit ratio for nerve blocks ?

研制了一套超声弹性成像实验系统。An experimental system for ultrasound elastography is developed.

第三组不接受超声诊断和微气泡。A third group received no diagnostic ultrasound and microbubbles.

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第四只一看,看来我也活不成了,不如早死了超生。Only a fourth of view, it would also live, not die by ultrasound.

卵巢囊肿可通过盆腔检查及超声检查确诊。Ovarian cysts can be identified with a pelvic exam or ultrasound.

研究结果公布在心血管超声波期刊上。The results are published in the journal Cardiovascular Ultrasound.