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也真是可怜。It is really also wretchedness.

她的不幸让他感到十分难受。Her wretchedness made him feel miserable.

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海,就是无边的苦难。The sea is the immensity of wretchedness.

穷困和其他事物是一样的。It is the same with wretchedness as with everything else.

耶稣用什么把保罗从悲惨的情形中拯救出来?What does Jesus offer that rescues him from wretchedness?

年复一年,孩子长大了,她的苦难也增加了。From year to year the child grew, and so did her wretchedness.

他从来不用不合时宜的谈话,去扰乱她痛苦的心灵。He did not disturb the wretchedness of her mind by ill-timed conversation.

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光荣和悲惨需要彼此。一个激励我们,另一个使我们变柔和。Gloriousness and wretchedness need each other. One inspires us, the other softens us.

黎渊抱着脚哭的是梨花带雨很是可怜。Li Yuan's embracing what feet cry is a pear flower to take rain is wretchedness very many.

为了适应这种斗争的需要,穷人便发明了一种战斗的语言,这便是黑话。To meet the needs of this conflict, wretchedness has invented a language of combat, which is slang.

神在我们心中也是如此良善和恩慈来对待我们的过犯和輭弱。God works in our hearts this same goodness and mercy towards all the sin and wretchedness around us.

我知道可怜的人,和无益的,时间是更有价值,每个人比其他任何东西。I knew the wretchedness of human being, and unhelpful, time is more valuable for everyone than any other things.

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而在之后的木马屠城中,这个可怜的英雄,又死于红颜祸水。But in after of the wood horse annihilate a city, the hero of this wretchedness , and then die in a beauty disaster water.

谦逊使人升上光荣与力量的顶峰,骄傲则使人堕入邪恶与卑微的深渊。Humility exalteth man to the heaven of glory and power, whilst pride abaseth him to the depths of wretchedness and degradation.

悲惨的两种极端表现就是贫困与放纵,两者同样脱离了自然法则,皆是精神混乱酿成的苦果。Indigence and indulgence are the two extremes of wretchedness. they are both equally unnatural and the result of mental disorder.

海,就是冷酷无情的法律抛掷它牺牲品的总渊薮。海,就是无边的苦难。The sea is the inexorable social night into which the penal laws fling their condemned. The sea is the immensity of wretchedness.

她以为对他的记忆也会像那双可怜的凉鞋一样被遗弃,然而,事实却恰恰相反。Her think will also be like the sandals of that wretchedness to his memory similar is desert, however, but fact exactly the opposite.

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德纳第这个失败的资产者的歹毒心肠是无可救药的,他到美洲后依然和在欧洲时一样。The moral wretchedness of Thenardier, the bourgeois who had missed his vocation, was irremediable . He was in America what he had been in Europe.

尼采强烈地反对基督教预设的需要救赎的原罪,这种永远还不完的债是我们生存的大不幸。Nietzsche vehemently rejected Christianity’s presupposed sinful wretchedness of our existence, and the eternal, non-repayable debt to the Redeemer.

而她新近经历过的牢狱生活,又在她那蒙垢受苦的面貌上添上一种说不上的叫人见了心惊胆寒的东西。She had besides, more than formerly, in her face that indescribably terrified and lamentable something which sojourn in a prison adds to wretchedness.