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小雄马叫做colt。A young male is a colt.

雌马生了一匹小马。The mare gave birth to a colt.

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小斑马,祝你生日快乐!Colt Tattoo Happy birthday to you!

那匹马驹跳着跑过牧场。The colt bounded through the meadow.

这下子小马就愈加积极了。Now the colt could increasingly positive.

彼得·科尔特还可以维持这场比赛多久呢?How long can Peter Colt keep playing this game?

一天,小马驮着麦子去磨坊。One day, a colt took a bag of wheat to the mill.

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这匹小公马是两匹冠军马的幼仔。The colt is the offspring of two racing champions.

1966年,昆西并入寇特工业集团。In 1966, Quincy Compressor sold to Colt Industries.

它一面回答一面下了河,小心地趟了过去。"No, I want to have a try by myself", answered the colt.

她觉得好似一匹小马掉进了花园里一样别别扭扭。She felt as much out of place as a colt in a flower garden.

这匹小马驹到障碍物前会害怕,不敢跳过去。The little colt seihd at the fence and refused to jump over it.

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他没有改进,他们断定这匹小马已无药可救。When he didn't improve, they decided the colt was incorrigible.

1901年,柯尔特家庭将公司出售给一群合伙投资人。In 1901, the Colt family sold the company to a group of investors.

被主人同样视为“掌上名珠”的小马驹可不知道夏阳的心思。As the "dotey"of the master, the colt didn't know Xia Yang's thoughts.

空虚的人却毫无知识。人生在世好像野驴的驹子。For vain man would be wise, though man be born like a wild ass's colt.

空虚的人却毫无知识。人生在世好像野驴的驹子。For vain men would be wise, though man be born like a wild ass's colt.

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秦穆公派人去取马,没想到是一匹黑色的雄马。The king sent people to get the yellow mare, but found it a black colt.

这是早期柯尔特不能没有半月剪辑开枪。This is an early Colt that cannot be fired without the half-moon clips.

对脂肪酶在驴马皮制革过程中的应用进行了研究。Alkaline lipase was applied in the donkey and colt skin production process.