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来点生腌牛肉干?Beef jerky carpaccio?

牛肉干也是一种不错的选择。Beef jerky is also a nice choice.

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牛肉干等烟熏火干制肉制品Smoked or dried meats like beef jerky

他吃了几块牛肉干,并喝了一些饮料。Then he had some beef jerky and drinks.

这就使英语的音调显得不平稳。This is what makes English sound jerky.

赵信能用牛肉干吹泡泡。Xin Zhao can blow bubbles with beef jerky.

我知道.要不我们吃点儿牛肉干吧.I know.So let`s have some beef jerky instead.

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牛肉干正在经历一次复兴。Jerky is undergoing something of a renaissance.

我知道,伙计,我们进去吃点牛肉干吧。I know man, let's go in and get some beef jerky.

这种真空包装的牛肉干真的非常好吃。The vacuum-packed beef jerky tastes really well.

在交了那么多走马观花似的男朋友后,终于遇到了迈克。After a series of jerky boyfriends, I met “Mike”.

在盒子里全是一包包的牛肉干。Inside the boxes are packages full of beef jerky.

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我在哪里可以看电影的生涩男孩网上免费全速?Where can I watch The Jerky Boys movie online free full stream?

我储备了大量的可用于补充能量的零食,如脱水的水果,坚果,能量棒和牛肉。I have a lot ofpower foods for snacks like dried fruit, nuts, bars and beef jerky.

这个装置的原型每两秒钟会刷新一次图像,所以图像的移动有点慢,不太流畅。The prototype refreshes its image every two seconds so movement is jerky and slow.

乐谱的难度颇高,学生弹得生涩僵滞、错误百出。The difficulty of high scores, students playing stagnation jerky made many mistakes.

图像的稳定缺乏真正体现在这里,事情可能会变得有些生涩。The lack of an image stabilizer really shows up here, and things can get a little jerky.

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我听到车轮防滑链的拍打声,雨刷费劲地急速摆动发出的刺耳声音,引擎低沉的声音。I heard the slap of the chains, the stiff, jerky rasp of the wipers , the purr of the engine.

他们把加了奶油糖果的蛋糕、川味牛肉干和柚子果酱,放进盒子里打包。They pack boxes of butterscotch cupcakes, Sichuan-spiced beef jerky and grapefruit marmalade.

该包装袋用于包装湿巾纸、茶叶、瓜子、牛肉干等物品。The packaging bag is used to package wet tissue, tea leave, melon seeds, beef jerky and the like.