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蚀变以钾化与硅化和成矿关系最为密切。Potassic and silicification in all alteration type are most close to mineralization.

就合理使用肥料来讲,钾肥已成为我国农业发展的瓶颈。As for intelligent use of fertilizer, the potassic fertilizer is a choke point in China.

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金矿化总是与钾化、硅化交代或碱性花岗岩共生。Therefore gold metallization is accompanied with potassic alteration, silication and alkali granite.

矿区山前钾化带是钾化蚀变的产物,局部地段构成矿体。Piedmont potassic alteration zone is the product of potash feldspathization, part of the zone is ore body.

在化学成份上,蔡家岭组火山岩不属于钾玄岩系列。The petrochemical type of the Caijialing volcanic rocks couldn't belong to the potassic basaltic rock series.

我国水溶性钾盐资源急缺,而非水溶性钾盐资源丰富。In our country, soluble potassic resources are limited badly, but we are rich ininsoluble potash ore resources.

主要蚀变为硅化、钾化、黄铁矿化、绢云母化。Silicification, potassic alteration, pyritization and sericitization are main alterations for the gold deposit.

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进而提出蚀变岩型、石英脉型及钾长石化地区的金矿找矿方向。Exploration guides for gold deposits in altered rocks, quartz veins and potassic feldspar alteration zones are suggested.

概述了当前我国钾肥工业的发展现状及存在问题。An outline is given of the present situation of expansion and existent problems of the potassic fertilizer industry in China.

上述特征表明这些火山岩来源于富集的地幔源区。The geochemical characters mentioned-above indicate that potassic volcanics in study areas should be drived from enriched mantle sources.

由于这种作用的影响,使钾质煌斑岩的源区地幔处于地温梯度高、氧逸度高的不稳定状态。Under the influence of the subduction, the source mantle of the potassic lamprophyres has a high geothermal gradient and oxygen fugacity.

其中火山岩主要由细碧-石英角斑岩系列火山岩组成,还有少量的玄武-流纹岩系列火山岩和富钾流纹岩。The volcanic rocks are mainly associated with spilite -quartz keratophyre series, and a few volcanic rocks of the basalt-rhyrolite series and potassic rhyrolite.

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冈底斯西段赛利普一带分布有大面积的钾质火山岩,以前曾被划归上新世一早更新世赛利普群。Large area of potassic volcanic rocks distributed over the Sailipu area of West Gangdis were originally assigned to the Sailipu Group and the age was Pliocene-Early Pleistocene.

钾素资源管理不仅指钾肥的合理施用,也包含了土壤中钾素肥力的保持和有效利用。Management of potassium resources refers to the rational application of potassic fertilizers and also includes the preservation of potassium fertility in the soil and its effective use.

目的评价含钾温氧合血持续和冷氧合血间歇灌注心肌保护方法的效果差异。Objective To evaluate the difference in myocardial protection of continuous potassic warm oxygenated blood perfusion compared with intermittent potassic cold oxygenated blood perfusion.

作者认为我国已开始进入钾肥生产发展的高峰期,应当重视业内专家对我国当前钾肥产业发展现状提出的建议。The author opines that China is seeing a development peak of potassic fertilizer production, and attention shall be paid to advices from experts on present situation of potash production development.