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浆果的脸颊圆润而可爱。The berrys cheek is plumper.

她们比我丰美得多。They are much plumper than I am.

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胎儿在子宫里待的时间越长,长得会越丰满。When the baby stays in the uterus longer, it gets plumper.

我从来没有见过一个乌木饱满像这样的宝贝之前。I had never seen an ebony plumper quite like this babe before.

它会让你的嘴唇看起来丰满立刻让你的脸阳光焕发。It'll make your lips look plumper instantly and brighten up your face.

仿古铜器造型,敞口,腹微鼓,足外撇。Archaize bronze modelling, open, abdominal micro drum, foot outside plumper.

他们消耗卡路里的速度比胖乎乎的“苹果婴儿”和“梨子婴儿”要快。They burn off calories faster than the plumper "apple babies" and "pear babies.

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胶原蛋白让您肌肤的每一个细纹和褶皱都充满了水分,让您的肌肤保持光滑和弹性。It helps fill in lines and wrinkles and restore moisture for smoother, plumper skin.

令人惊奇的这个拉丁饱满青少年是她刚开始填写。The amazing thing about this Latina plumper teen is that she is just starting to fill out.

这是当我知道这丰满确实是一个真正的火球,我让她就完全控制了我的公鸡。That is when I knew that this plumper really is a true fireball and I let her take complete control of my cock.

当你还没有每天多次被唇部疼痛缠绕时,你甚至不需要用一个唇部丰润。You don’t even need to use a lip plumper if you’re not a fan of the painful lip abuse that most of them give you.

即使在炎热的亚洲丰满仍在增长,她已经有多汁的曲线和大量的肉供您欣赏。Even though the hot Asian plumper is still growing, she's already got juicy curves and a lot of flesh for you to enjoy.

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29岁这一年对于Jennifer来说真得很难熬,在被摄影师拍下一张发福的比基尼照片后,她便一直在为自己的形象辩解。The 29-year-old had a rough year, defending her figure after being photographed in a bikini looking plumper than usual.

求婚者可勉强地接受近在眼前的对象而不愿执着地追求完美伴侣,即使对方是身形丰腴或体格矮小,并远非理想。Suitors settle for what is on offer now, even if plumper or shorter than the ideal, rather than hold out for the perfect partner.

使用一个小时后,皱纹和细纹明显改善抚平,皮肤看起来有光彩,一个月后,皮肤皱纹明显减少,而且明显看起来皮肤饱满。After one hour wrinkles and fine lines are visibly smoothed out and the skin is more radiant. after one month wrinkles are visibly reduced and the skin looks plumper.