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以我以上的框架为例,这样的动态进程可以设置成在仅在base.css需要时被触发,而type.css,grids.css等被请求时却不这样被触发。is requested, but not when type.css, grids.css

在氚,如何设置一个CSS类作为一个变量?。In Tritium, how do I set a CSS class as a variable?

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使用网页设计新模板升级style.css。Update style.css using the new web design templates.

通过投票、论坛、呐喊模块,甚至CSS制作杂志Make journals with Polls, Forum, Shoutbox, and even CSS

跟你一样,我也有过看画展时的糟糕经历。CSS Like you, I have had bad experiences at exhibitions.

之后在CSS中设置了宽和高。The width and height attributes are then set in the CSS.

以CSS为基础的无表化布局是非常简易的一种方法。Making changes to a CSS based Tableless layout is simple.

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模块化CSS有预先设置和基本板式。Modular CSS with pre-packaged resets and basic typography

正如你所看到的,CSS大约是你的1500米比赛的速度。As you can see, CSS is approximately your 1500m race pace.

规模较小的CSS意味着更少的时间花费在寻找一个空白页。Smaller CSS means less time spent looking at a blank page.

使用这个方法,我们所有的CSS都在主要的CSS网页上。Using this method, all our CSS stays in our main CSS page.

与此DVD的开膛手,你可以撷取的CSS保护的DVD电影。With this DVD Ripper, you can Rip CSS protected DVD movies.

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为了做到这一点,它更多地依靠CSS和文本而非图像。It does this by relying more on CSS and text than on images.

这个链接会载入到你附加的CSS样式表上。This is the link that loads in your attached CSS style sheet.

另外值得注意布局上的改进,诸如悬浮CSS样式。Also watch out for layout improvements such as hover CSS style.

新的UI控件、CSS皮肤和可编程的布局Support for new UI controls, CSS skinning, and programmatic layout

修改语法的另一个好处是可以使得CSS工具更容易支持Sass。An added benefit is to make it easier for CSS tools to support Sass.

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考虑到我们的网站适当的CSS样式就地内容。Place contents given by us into the website with suitable CSS style.

这就是为什么CSS画廊像我们自己一样存在世上的主要原因。This is one of the primary reasons CSS galleries like our own exist.

CSS伪类可用来给一些选择器加上特殊效果。CSS pseudo-classes are used to add special effects to some selectors.