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所有获得一点点的分量和无从捉摸。Everything gains a bit of heft and tangibility.

新闻资讯的分量明显变重了。The heft of 1 news information becomes heavy apparently.

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可见,所有这些小来小去的一撇一点都给我们增加了广度、分量和深度。Thus all these tiny scratches give us breadth and heft and depth.

这些公司正在全球排名中稳步上升,这被视作中国工业化地位的标志。They are steadily climbing up global rankings, symbols of China’s growing industrial heft.

这位他或者她要有能力领导改革,也要能劝服公众信任净化后的下议院。He or she will need heft to lead reform and to persuade the public to place its trust in a cleaned-up Commons.

但现在,情况似乎开始趋于稳定,究其原因,很大程度上是由于迅速到位并且数额巨大的经济刺激方案。But it now appears to be stabilizing, in large part because of the speed and heft of the country's stimulus spending.

当受试者分量同等重量,不同大小的球,他们通常会认为是轻更大的作为之一。When subjects heft the equal-weight, different-size balls, they will typically perceive the bigger one as being lighter.

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大雨滴的体积和重量使得它具有更快的自由沉降速度,因为它克服空气阻力的能力比小雨滴更强。A big drop’s size and heft give it a faster terminal velocity. Because it overcomes air resistance better than a small drop.

而且占了银河系大部分重量的是无形的暗物质,人们之所以能发现暗物质是因为它的引力暴露了身份。Plus, most of the galaxy's heft is in invisible dark matter, which betrays its presence only through its gravitational pull.

北京也可以利用其分量,说服发展中国家,拖动全球贸易谈判多哈回合的结束。Beijing could also use its heft to corral developing nations into pushing the Doha Round of global trade talks to a conclusion.

联合进化意味着星系和特大质量黑洞共同进化,他们彼此依赖,达到自己最终的分量。Co-evolution holds that galaxies and supermassive black holes evolve together, each counting on the other for its ultimate heft.

首都的印度人更愿意谈论印度腾飞的经济,繁荣的贸易和它不断提升的国际地位。Indians in the capital much prefer to talk of the economic boom, of India’s flourishing trade and its growing international heft.

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科学家们认为这个速度加上行星的重量屈服于强大的重力牵引力,可以改变行星的运行轨道。Scientists think that this speed coupled with the planet's heft yields strong gravitational tugs that can alter the planets orbit.

有些商学教授避免在教书与研究中讲故事,担心故事缺乏可信度和学术分量。Some business professors avoid stories in their teaching and research, concerned that stories lack credibility or intellectual heft.

你可以链接请愿网站到Facebook和你的博客给它更多的分量。Interlink as much as possible to spread the word. You can link the petition site back to Facebook and your blog to give it more heft.

这种从潜水运动获得灵感的裤子也许看起来有点像根据人体工程学设计的裤子,或是有点像加长版的紧身短裤,它的魅力在于可以将你的身材轮廓展露无遗。They will probably look a little like ergonomic pants or extended length compression shorts, and will have the heft to contour the body.

中国是否会和平友好的发展并遵守国际法律和国际公约的约束呢,抑或是靠自身的分量来走自己的路呢?Will China be peaceful and friendly and abide by the rules of international law and conventions, or will it use its heft to get its way?

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穿上制服、清扫各个街道、举起沉重的垃圾、从一个仅有的亲密角度认识这个城市,其意味着什么?What does it mean to put on the uniform, navigate the streets, heft the weight, and learn the city from a unique and intimate perspective?

国内汽车制造商缺乏打败成熟对手的品牌、技术和管理能力——不管是在国内还是在国外。Local manufacturers have lacked the brands, technology and managerial heft to outmaneuver their established rivals, either at home or abroad.

如果她发现一个人分量不够,莫斯科就会日益团结其他国家来挑战美国的全球霸权。And if it can't quite muster the heft to do that alone, Moscow is increasingly allying with other nations to challenge America's global hegemony.