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今天的中国扬眉吐气。Today China is proud and elated.

会拥有烦恼,也会欢欣愉悦We're worried. We'll get elated.

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愉快的风,轻敲我的心窗。Elated wind, tap my heart window.

我能看见你,灯塔,如此的幸福So elated for me to see you, my lighthouse

那天夜里,我疲惫不堪而且还挂了彩,但仍然高兴地不得了。That night I was battered and bloodied but elated.

这音乐是绝对纯粹智力的得意之作。This music is elated by absolutely pure inteligency.

去吮吸那旋花植物令人心花怒放的毒汁。The flower plants suck to spin Is the gall of be elated.

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作为美联航全球总裁,谭凯翔自然欢欣鼓舞。As global president of United Airlines, Tilton naturally elated.

等我事业有成的那天,也就是我扬眉吐气的时候。I have a successful career, such as the day is when I feel elated.

我知道,生活将不会同过去一样,反复实践,我感到扬眉吐气。I knew that life would never be the same again, and I felt elated.

一些WASHU-KSADS小组仅考虑情绪高涨作为PBD标准。Some WASHU-KSADS groups considered only elated mood as PBD criterion.

不过同性恋倡导者和同性恋伴侣们立即喜上眉梢。But the elated reaction among gay advocates and couples was immediate.

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“那是我一生中表现最好的比赛之一,”哈基宁兴高采烈地说。That was one of the best races of my life, " said an elated Hakkinen."

这几个孩子为此而得意洋洋,然后,开始继续他们因击打垃圾桶而得来的好工作。The kids were elated and continued to do a bang-up job on the trashcans.

这是伴随着兴高采烈的火把游行和庆祝活动很多。This is accompanied by torchlit processions and much elated celebration.

法国左翼对于对DSK的审讯即将土崩瓦解表现得超级兴奋。France’s left is beyond elated by the impending collapse of the DSK trial.

“把人砸得头破血流还这么高兴。”我佯装骂她。"Hit human the head wreck a blood still so elated. "I pretend to scold her.

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我正得意洋洋,另外一只小蚂蚁跑了过来,把我的“杰作”抬跑了。I was elated , and a small ant running over to my "masterpiece" carried away.

铑镀金项链与月光晶体在独家扬眉吐气,削减。Rhodium-plated necklace with a Moonlight crystal in the exclusive Elated cut.

于是,你就会发现,原来餐具也可以让你“心花怒放”哦!Then, you can discover, original tableware also can let you " be elated " oh!