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拼一个阳春生夏,换一个青春无悔!Spell a summer home life, change a regretless youth.

你说着无悔的话,为你吃尽所有的苦累。You said so, you eat regretless all of the bitter tired.

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我将以自己的青春和智慧无悔地奉献给贵单位。I will use their own youth and wisdom regretless contributing to the expensive unit.

好好珍惜,给自己创造一个无悔的青春,给祖国添一份迷人的春色。Create a regretless youth and add a piece of charming spring to our motherland with it.

饱蘸诚挚的友谊,挥洒清纯的情感,写下欢乐的诗章,吐露无悔的青春。The pen with sincere friendship and pure feeling writes down happy poems and regretless youth.

我骄傲,我自豪,我的青春无悔,只因我是一名延长石油人!I am proud, I am proud of my regretless youth, only for I am one of Yanchang Petroleum persons!

心头的感动和欣慰瞬间即逝,眼底的依恋叹息般的飘在风中,无悔的聚散由命。The heart is fleeting moments and relief, a wave of attachment in the wind sighed, "regretless gather."

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用我们无悔的选择,同心同德,携手并进,开拓进取,一路豪迈,共享美好未来!With our regretless choice, of one heart, advances together hand in hand. Explores and develops, group heroics, sharing glorious future!

多少年来,人们一直把教师比作红烛,赞颂她默默发光、无怨无悔奉献的精神,教师也一直以蜡烛精神来鞭策自己。People always believe teacher like as candle many yeas, praise her contribution of shining silent and regretless , teacher always inspirit themselves according to candle spirit also.

我和你缠缠绵绵翩翩飞,飞跃这红尘永相随,等到秋风尽,秋叶落成堆,能陪你一起枯萎也无悔。I and you tangled up handsome will fly, leap this bustling place forever to follow, when the autumn wind, the autumn leaf will be completed piles, can accompany you to wither together also regretless.