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谁要跟我一起来带著背包流浪?Who'll come a- waltzing Matilda with me?

“我们手里拿着海龟蛋,”马蒂尔德说。“We had eggs in our hands, ” Matilda said.

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对于玛蒂尔达.科莫来说,这又是她的一个困难时期。This was a difficult time for Matilda Cuomo.

昨天晚上马蒂尔达姨妈意外地来了。Aunt Matilda turned up unexpectedly last night.

他的嘉宾是著名的台湾主持陶晶莹。His guest was the famed Taiwanese host, Matilda Tao.

玛蒂尔达是一个被她家人忽视的年轻女孩。Matilda is a young girl who has been neglected by her family.

玛蒂尔达在一块有花鸟图案的祭坛布上刺绣。Matilda was embroidering an altar cloth covered with flowers and birds.

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“好吧,乔治,”马蒂尔达一面把热气腾腾的碗放在桌子上,一面说。"All right, George, " Matilda said, setting steaming bowls on the table.

玛蒂尔达1046年出生在意大利北部,据信享有高寿。Matilda was born in northern Italy in 1046 and apparently lived to a ripe old age.

和马蒂尔达之间那一场不快从未发生过。George wished now more than ever that the bitter encounter with Matilda had never occurred.

玛蒂尔达弄丢了她的亲吻,不过她下定决心要在爸爸回来之前把它们找回来。Matilda has lost her kisses, but she is determined to find them before Poppa comes to stay.

由安德森先生和马蒂尔达。派尔松夫人于1878年创建。烘焙是家族的激情,顾客是灵感。Established in 1878 by Mr. Anders and Mrs. Matilda Paahlsson. Baking is the family passion and the consumer is the inspiration.

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莱杰参演华纳兄弟电影公司这部大片获得了奥斯卡,他的父母和姐姐代表他三岁的女儿马蒂尔达来领的奖。His Oscar for the Warner Bros. blockbuster was accepted by Ledger's parents and sister on behalf of the actor's 3-year-old daughter, Matilda.

来自荷兰夫妇马蒂尔德·于森和乔斯·古贝尔斯参加的旅游团,巧遇一只正在沙滩筑巢的的榄蠵龟。Matilda Yoosen and Jos Gubbels, a married couple from Holland, were among a tourist group that came upon an olive ridley turtle nesting in the sand.

大白鸟玛蒂尔达是愤怒管理取高手。她赊前是一只脾气暴躁取小鸟,但是她现把该改变馨她错误取处事方式馨。Matilda is the leader of the anger management class on Bird Island. She is a former angry bird herself, but has since learned the error of her ways.

教皇寻求到托斯卡纳伯爵夫人玛蒂尔达的庇护。玛蒂尔达是当时最为富有的女人,一位当世美仑美奂、品位不凡、智慧超群的女性。The pope had sought the protection of Countess Matilda of Tuscany, then the world's richest woman, and a princess of a startling beauty, taste and wisdom.

强尼•德普、裘德•洛以及科林法瑞尔将各自所得片酬全部赠与希斯•莱杰的女儿玛蒂尔达。Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell and Jude Law gave all the income they received for this movie to Heath Ledger's daughter Matilda so that her economic future would be secure.

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白天,金属线会融入周边的草丛中,入夜,反光材料会将附近马蒂尔德大道上来往车辆的灯光投射到草地上,她的那些湿地“芦苇”将发散出熠熠星光。During the day, the wires would blend into the surrounding grass. At night, the reflectors would catch the headlights of passing cars on Matilda Avenue and her marsh 'grass' would glow.

他表示,后来他的摄影机出了一点问题,当他检查完再抬起头时,「玛蒂达正好冲出来,离海狸只有一公尺远,这只海狸立刻上前攻击她。」He said he became distracted by a problem with his camera. When he looked up again, "Matilda had rushed off and was just a meter from the beaver. The animal immediately went to attack."