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大师级的艺术。Master of Arts.

我是学文科的。I major in arts.

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我是学习美术专业的。I am majoring in arts.

练武术有前程吗?A Future In Martial Arts?

想欣赏艺术表演吗?Enjoy the performing arts?

我在攻读美术专业。I'm majoring in fine arts.

表达性艺术治疗,In Expressive Arts Therapy,

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我们的优秀艺术中都有We have it in the fine arts.

欧美经典,家居艺术。Europe-USA Classics, Home Arts.

你喜欢看武侠小说吗?Do you like martial arts novels?

我的妹妹喜欢艺术和工艺。My sister loves arts and crafts.

表演是种模仿性艺术。Theatrical arts or performances.

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妒嫉致敬和平艺。To peaceful arts shall envy bow.

是城市艺术的至高杰作。Are the masterpiece of city arts.

迈克,你学过武术吗?。Mike, did you learn martial arts?

你要么学文,要么学理。You either study arts or science.

那什么又是文理学院呢?What is a college of liberal arts?

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优质木材工艺品。High-quality wooden arts and crafts.

我学的是文科,你呢?I study liberal arts. How about you?

我上大学时读的是文科。I was liberal arts major in college.