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他想要成为星际争霸战里的寇克舰长。He wanted to be Captain Kirk in Star Trek.

那声巨响就来自他的房子,柯克欧菲尔德。That bangthat was his house, Kirk o'Field.

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他们把死人和活人乱七八糟地混放在一个教堂里。They pell-melled the dead with the living all in one kirk.

柯克·道格拉斯,你的事业最近是哪儿出岔了?Q. Kirk Douglas, what hasn't gone right in your recent career?

主人公丹尼与柯克恸·道格拉斯出奇地相像。The hero, Danny, bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas.

凯利柯克是一位作家,面包师,妈妈和人力资源经理。Kelli Kirk is a writer, baker, mom and human resources manager.

于是,我在爱丁堡外给他找了一间叫柯克欧菲尔德的小屋。So I found him a small house called Kirk o'Field,outside Edinburgh.

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在曼彻斯特,柯克·索伦森实现了液态氟反应堆的方式。In Manchester, Kirk Sorensen made the case for liquid-fluoride reactors.

20世纪80年代初期,金属乐队的詹姆斯·海特菲尔德和柯克·汉密特正在演出。James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett of Metallica performing in the early 1980s.

科克走出了在此之前持久婚姻只生女儿的怪圈。Kirk breaks the daughter-only pattern of long marriages documented thus far.

他甚至还希望柯克船长和斯波克就能在一起驾驶宇宙飞船。He even hoped that with Captain Kirk and Spock will be able to drive spacecraft.

Kirk船长是人类中最受敬仰与爱戴的星际“花心大萝卜”。Captain Kirk is one of humanity’s most revered and beloved spacefaring skirt-chasers.

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柯克生产三个档次的涂料,汽车修补漆适合不同的应用程序。Kirk produce three "grades" of paint, paint and repair cars for various applications.

威廉在演讲中放了一段柯克船长要求技师斯科特进行曲速飞行的视频。The physicist showed a video clip of Kirk telling engineer Scotty to go to warp speed.

有趣的事,大多数曾与Kirk“搞过暧昧”的人都是科学官。Funnily enough, most of the people Kirk has attempted to procreate with were scientists.

这美国之音特别英语卫生报告的作者是辛西娅柯克。这是鲍勃道蒂。This VOA Special English Health Report was written by Cynthia Kirk. This is Bob Doughty.

假如你是寇克船长,你在一个无重力的空间站。You're going to play Captain Kirk and you're in a space station and there is no gravity.

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姚明的另一名火箭队队友柯克-斯奈德效力于CBA的另一支球队,浙江万马。Yao Ming's other Rockets teammate Kirk Snyder worked with Zhejiang Wanma, another CBA team.

婚礼结束后,我和博思韦尔一起出来去柯克欧菲尔德看望达恩利,陪他聊天。After the wedding, Bothwell and I walked out to Kirk o'Field to see Darnley and talk to him.

“我不能评论我们与合作拍档和竞争对手之间的对话,”Kirk说。"I can't really comment on conversations we have with partners and competitors, " said Kirk.