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因为洪水地上全湿了。The ground is the flood.

接着,一场持续40天的洪水爆发。Then a 40-day flood hits.

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洪水淹没了那座城市。Flood overwhelmed the city.

洪水损坏了大坝。The flood weakened the dam.

像春潮般的涌动!Like a spring flood surging!

先是涓涓细流,接下来是滔滔洪水。First a trickle, then a flood.

洪水冲坏了道路。The flood washed out the road.

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水涨很高,而你却让我淹死啊!You let me drown in the flood.

堤坝在洪水中屹立不动。The dike held during the flood.

孩子哭成泪人儿。The child was in flood of tears.

洪水冲垮了堤坝。The flood waters burst the dyke.

洪水淹了那个村子。The flood submerged that village.

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洪水冲坏了公路。The flood washed out the highway.

今年夏天该城遭受水灾。Flood struck the town this summer.

该市镇已被洪水淹没。The town was overwhelmed by flood.

可能是被水冲过了。There are might be flood di amage.

向市场过度提供网球鞋。Flood the market with tennis shoes.

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让你的身体充满知觉。Flood your body with consciousness.

我不想洪水您的收件箱。I don't want to flood your inboxes.

这场洪水使近百人丧生。The flood claimed nearly 100 lives.