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牙龈炎症主要表现在基牙和独立牙。Periodontitis was mainly in the abutment teeth and single tooth.

基牙的位移量与负荷力大小有关。The displacement of abutment correlates to the load on the denture.

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现对其劈头裂缝稳定性进行分析和评价。This paper analysed and appraised the stability of abutment cracks.

在产品列表中还给出了推荐的对接尺寸。Recommended abutment dimensions are also given in the product tables.

不同预备程序对基牙表面粗糙度的影响。Effects of different preparation procedures on abutment surface roughness.

通过改进施工,桥台沉降问题得到了很好的解决。By means of improving working method, the settlement of abutment is solved well.

在隐肩支台之肩部置在何处为理想?。Where is the ideal placement of the shoulder on the Stealth Shouldered Abutment?

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在上颌,基牙的分布情况不允许做不覆盖腭部的设计。In the maxilla, the abutment distribution did not allow a palatal-free restoration.

计算结果表明,该坝坝肩边坡整体是稳定的。The calculation results indicate that the dam abutment slope is stable on the whole.

为何此隐肩支台系统将会减少弯角支台的使用?。Why will this Stealth Shouldered Abutment system decrease the use of angled abutments?

为何此隐肩式支台体系统将会减少弯角支台体的使用?。Why will this Stealth Shouldered Abutment system decrease the use of angled abutments?

为何此隐肩式支台体系统将会减少弯角支台体的使用?。Why will this Stealth Shouldered Abutment system decrease the use of angled abutments ?

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但其设计则受限于咬合及支台齿位置不恰当的情形而无法适用。Its limitations include occlusal factors, and the presence of unsuitable abutment teeth.

而裸露的孤石对斜坡地段桩基及墩台构成威胁。Bare spherical weathered rock can threaten the bridge pile and abutment on the steep slope.

荷载作用产生的岸坡位移同样不影响边坡和桥基的安全。The generated displacement by the load also does not affect the safety of slope and abutment.

结合秦沈客运专线,针对高速铁路路桥过渡段沉降问题开展研究。Highway diseases often occur at the transition section between bridge abutment and embankment.

愈合期后以手术暴露植体并置入支台体。After a period of healing, the implant is surgically uncovered for the insertion of an abutment.

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使用无肩支台时,在拜肯技工所技师使用何种采模物质?。What type of impression material do the clinicians at Bicon use for the non-shouldered abutment?

涵洞通道两侧、桥台背后等狭窄地点,用小型机械振动夯实。Place like culvert sides, behind the abutment sites and so on, we use small mechanical to compact.

方法确定适应证、比色、预备基牙、取模、戴牙。Methods To confirm indication, compare color, prepare abutment teeth, impression taking, fix teeth.