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为什么?霍里叔叔。Why? Uncle Wally.

Wally为了吃到胡萝卜,只好回到笼子里。Wally wants to eat the carrot, so he goes back to his cage.

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沃利已经脱离危险,不再需要精心护理。Wally was now out of danger and removed from intensive care.

这三只狗到处跑,但还是找不到Wally。The three dogs run here and there, but still can't find Wally.

虽然马龙经常有无数的狂欢派对,但威利从不参与他们。Even though Marlon had orgies, Wally never participated in them.

我的名字是沃利·韦斯特,我是现今最快的人,我就是闪电侠。My name is Wally West, I'm the fastest man alive, I'm the Flash.

威利·赫伯特是当今仍健在的最伟大的,最早探险极地的人。Wally Herbert is the greatest pioneering polar explorer alive today.

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在因弗内斯机场,威利和他和妻子玛丽在等候着我。At Inverness airport, Wally and his wife Marie are waiting to meet me.

来自麻省梅休因市的林尼克尔森很想给这个水母其名叫沃力。Lynn Nicholson, of Methuen, Mass., wanted to name the jellyfish Wally.

沃利很轻易地就被移出了水池,可是特里和凯蒂变得难以对付。Wally was easily removed from the pool, but Teri and Katie became erratic.

琼·克里夫对她的两个孩子沃里和“小毕”总是很有时间和耐心。June Cleaver always had time and patience for her two sons, Wally and "Beaver."

一种可能是它在追逐一个小动物时正好要穿过这个缝隙,然后就卡在了那里。It's likely Wally got stuck chasing a smaller animal that ran through the space.

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当睁开双眼,发现自己已经在一架沃里双层游艇上。When I open my eyes, I found that I am already in a Wally yacht with two floors.

抵达现场后,他们发现“墙缝”卡在了一条很窄的缝隙里,一面是一栋住宅,另一面则是面墙。Upon arrival, they found Wally stuck in a crawl space separating a home and a wall.

这小伙子故意挤了一下澳利,于是澳利转过身来猛地给了他一拳。This chap deliberately jostled Wally so he turned round and gave him a knuckle sandwich.

原水星计划七位宇航员中的一位,于今天心脏病发身亡。Wally Schirra, one of the original Mercury Seven astronauts died today of a heart attack.

那感觉就像一个大木头,不过我没有换掉这身衣服,否则我就别想走了。I felt like a right wally , but I couldn't change because they wouldn't let me go otherwise.

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因此,威利·赫伯特从北极回来后便背上了一身债务。And so Wally Herbert returned from the Arctic with a huge financial debt and sense of failure.

那个在温布利躲在伞下的苏格兰人会让我恶心到明年。The sight of that wally hiding under a brolly at Wembley Stadium will haunt me for years to come.

只要电视家庭购物指南一介绍女子睡衣,沃里一晚上都不说一句话。And if the home shopping network has their lingerie bonanza on, Wally 's speechless the whole night.