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陈燕喆并非一位深入调查的记走。Chen is not an investigative journalist.

我同意去会见研究申报者。I agreed to meet with the investigative reporter.

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特侦组的问题还很多!The Special Investigative Unit still faces many problems.

调查的新闻发生在哪里,世界哪里又有行动。Investigative journalism, where is it? Where's World in Action?

调查小组确定了该儿童的25名密切接触者。The investigative team identified 25 close contacts of the child.

我们的特侦组何以如此惹人议论?How could our Special Investigative Unit be so flagrantly partisan?

这些结论尚未得到这一调查组的确认。These findings have not been confirmed by the present investigative team.

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侦查监督问题是我国司法改革的重点之一。Investigative supervision is one of key points of judicial reform in China.

这个研究出现在英国社会研究皮肤医学中。The study was presented at the British Society for Investigative Dermatology.

研究性教学是一种融入创新教育理念的教学方式。Investigative teaching is the teaching fashion syncretized with innovative notion.

以后做调查新闻从业员的将是每一个希望能知道真相的人。The investigative journalist of the future is everyone who wants to know the truth.

侦查活动规律是侦查学的研究对象。Law of the investigative activities is the study object of science of investigation.

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同时,CNN还计划为其重要的新闻调查节目制作文字版。It also plans to offer text versions of its major investigative pieces for television.

正是这项工作让我和其他记者赢得了普利策新闻奖。It was the work in which I, and other investigative reporters, won the Pulitzer Prize.

有缺乏论文涉及调查的心电描记器的研究。There is a lack of treatises dealing with investigative electrocardiographic research.

这一调查结果发布在2月26日的皮肤病研究杂志。The findings were published online Feb. 26 in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.

一份调查报告显示,我们资助的一个项目纯粹是浪费钱。An investigative reporter discovered that one of the projects we funded was a boondoggle.

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皮型卫星是现代航天技术中的重要研究领域。Pico-satellites are the import investigative domain in the modern aerospace technologies.

实验有关课业指物理科的实验室工作和探究研习。Practical related tasks refer to practical work in laboratory and an investigative study.

作为一位大名鼎鼎、财大气粗客户的代表,该事务所亟需调查服务。The firm needed investigative services on behalf of a high-profile, deep-pocketed client.