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这是古晋北市市政局的大厦。This is Kuching North City Hall building.

关于古晋的得名有好几种说法。There are several accounts of how Kuching got its name.

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古晋福州公会青年团勇夺冠军。Champion Trophy won by Foochow Association Kuching Youth Section.

我之前曾贴过古晋旧法庭在夜幕低垂时的图片。I have posted the pictures of Kuching old court house at night before.

古晋中学重建委员会主席郭应茂先生致词。Chairman of Kuching High Rebuilding Committee, Mr Kuek Eng Mong, giving speech.

位于古晋闹市中心的寿山亭福德祠,即「大伯公庙」已有超过200年的历史。Located at Kuching city centre, this Tua Pek Kong Temple has a history of more than 200 years.

古晋的猫博物馆陈列着超过4,000种有关于猫的物品。The Cat Museum of Kuching has more than 4,000 cat artifacts exhibited in its four main galleries.

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筹委主席吴将强赠送水果礼篮予古晋漳泉公会主席林吴碧祥。Presenting fruit basket to the President of Kuching Chiang Chuan Association, Mr. Lim Goh Phek Siong.

印尼布道巡回结束了,现已在吉隆坡机场等候转机回古晋,在印尼时比较没机会上网,所以才没看到我的消息…We have finished our evangelistic concert tour in Indonesia, in transit now at KLIA for our flight back to Kuching.

预定2012年春季开业,它将会是古晋第三家百盛分行及砂拉越第五家百盛分行。Scheduled to open in the second quarter of 2012, it will be the store'sthird outlet in Kuching and fifth in the state.

马来西亚沙劳越州古晋镇的摩托车骑士戴口罩抵挡霾害。Motorists wear masks to cover themselves from the haze in Malaysia's town of Kuching in the state of Sarawak on Borneo island October 3, 2006.

马来西亚,砂捞越,古晋的弟子杨惟钦提供了一个向药师佛十二大愿礼拜的仪轨。Disciple jui khin yeo of kuching sarawak malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of medicine guru buddha.

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一架马来西亚亚洲航空公司的航班10日夜间在古晋国际机场降落时在雨中滑出跑道,造成4人受伤。A Malaysia Airlines flight 10, the Asian night landing at the Kuching International Airport skidded off the runway in the rain, killing four people were injured.

新加坡与吉隆坡之间的航班从二月份的每日两班,增加到每日13班次分别到马来西亚吉隆坡、槟榔屿、亚庇、古晋和兰卡威。From a mere two flights a day between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur in February, it is now up to 13 flights a day to Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kota Kinabalu, Kuching and Langkawi.

今天在古晋富丽华的捐血活动中共有46位善心人士响应捐血,35位成功献出宝贵的血液。感恩热心善士。Kuching Life Care Society had successful organise a blood donation campaign at Boulevard Kuching, and we have 46 people showed up to donate their blood, with a total of 35 successful pins of blood.