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我看到一个身材修长的人。I saw a slender man.

苗条的校花。Slender school flower.

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她的腰身很细。She has a slender waist.

她是一个身材修长的年轻女子。She's a slender slip of a girl.

一座拥有“细腰”的塔楼。A tower with a slender 'taille'.

纤细的腰身具有永恒的吸引力Timeless Appeal of Slender Waist

魔鬼身材由此开启。Slender body, switch on from here.

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但是相互依赖是微弱而不可靠的。But interdependency is a slender reed.

这是一个肤色稍黑,身体瘦小的男人。He was a slender dark complexioned man.

这姑娘身材长挑。The girl has a tall and slender figure.

他贻误了我们获得的一个微小的机会。He fumbled the one slender chance we had.

叶片较窄,平展而细长,略下披,节间较长。It has slender leaves and long internode.

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瘦西湖在扬州城的西北部。The Slender West Lake is in the Yangzhou.

他双手搂住她纤细的腰。He put his hands around her slender waist.

瘦西湖是个旅游胜地呀!Slender West Lake is a tourist attraction.

他身量不高,四肢细瘦。He was small in height and slender in limb.

德拉身材苗条,已精通了这门子艺术。Della, being slender , had mastered the art.

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又用纤纤的手指敲着我,向我要爱情!Her slender finger tapped me, sought my love.

那是一根鲜黄色的又细又长的粉笔。It was a long, slender stick of vivid yellow.

这些异常的小鼠很瘦而且有着褐色的毛。These young mice were slender and mousy brown.