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阴蒂脚坚硬而伸长。The legs stiffen and elongate.

在玉米杆开始拔节时,给玉米打药。Corn is treated when the stalk starts to elongate.

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子叶和未来称为下胚轴的主轴延长。Cytyledons and future stalk called the hypocotyl elongate.

长鱼,没有骨盆鳍和带状物,或已经退化。Elongate fishes with pelvic fins and girdle absent or reduced.

目标端重复数据删除技术不会没有必要地延长备份窗口。Target-side deduplication does not unnecessarily elongate backup windows.

但是这就要求有完美的鞋型并且最大限度的拉长双腿。but it has to give the perfect shape and elongate the legs to the maximum.

皮肤本来就偏干的人,甚至可将时间拉长到每月1次。Skin originally dry person, even may elongate the time to each month 1 time.

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伸展并延长你的手指并打开手掌的皮肤。Spread and elongate your fingers and open the skin at the base of your palm.

长出来的头发会让圆脸有被拉长的效果,从而更形似鹅蛋脸。The extra length will help elongate a full face, making it appear more oval.

也通过身体里面的核心、通过头顶向上延长。Also elongate through the inner core of your body up through the crown of your head.

指示在折缘沟中焊接。线可随着深度的增加而拉长。Indicates a weld in a flanged edge groove. Lines will elongate when height is increased.

细长的大型海生无鳞鱼,有尖牙和船帆形的长背鳍。Large elongate scale less oceanic fishes with sharp teeth and a long sail-like dorsal fin.

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邮件开始备份,客户机上的响应时间开始加长。Mail was starting to back up, and response times on the clients were starting to elongate.

这项发明是一种由一个拉长的喂养室直属房屋马料。The invention is a feeder for horses comprising an elongate feeder housing with a feeding chamber.

植物内源激素对细胞分裂与伸长这两个过程的进行起着重要的作用。Plant endogenous hormones play a vital role in the ongoing process that the cell split and elongate.

这群大型身体的爬行动物的特徵是伸长的口鼻部,与相对较小的眼框。This group of large-bodied reptiles is characterized by elongate snouts and relatively small orbits.

微管很可能通过运送酶等物质而使树突状伪足继续伸长。Microtubules most likely elongate the invadopodium by delivering materials such as enzymes to the tip.

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吲哚丁酸能够促进湖北海棠根系导管的分化,使根系的木质化程度增加。IBA treatment can promote the root elongate growth and the root lignification of M. hupehensis Rehd. 5.

拉长伸展脊柱的的体式能够为扭转做好准备,例如下犬式和站立体式。Poses that elongate the spine such as downward-facing dog and standing poses prepare the body for twisting.

木质部束在近轴端为近等径状,向远轴端则变为略呈水平伸长状。The xylem strand of the vascular bundle is nearly round and becomes slightly horizontally elongate toward the distal part.