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参加社交活动,好好玩!Socialize and Have Fun!

你和谁交往?Who do you socialize with?

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他们喜欢社交活动,喜好发放礼物。They like to socialize and give away presents.

我养成了不在周一到周五参加社会活动的习惯。I make it a habit not to socialize on weekdays.

大部分来学滑雪的女孩实际上都是来找男朋友的。Most of the snow bunnies come here to socialize.

断网,去和朋友们参与社交活动。Turn off the Internet and go socialize with friends.

憨憨与秀才是邻居,平时来往不多。Hanhan's neighbor, usually didn't socialize much and scholar.

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如果能走出去多参加社会活动就能扩大自己的朋友圈子。You can expand your circle of friends if you get out and socialize.

张展说,“我吃了一整个月的蔬菜,也不敢出去社交。For that whole month, I ate only vegetables and dared not socialize.

与朋友进行交往,但不要因奢侈款待而超支。Socialize with friends, but don't overspend on lavish entertainment.

请问,我怎样才能让我的小孩多参加社交活动而又不染上不良习气呢?How am I supposed to socialize my child while protecting him from germs?

它是最安全、最舒适的放松和交际的环境。It’s the safest, most comfortable environment to relax and socialize in.

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如果你所有的朋友都和你在同一个行业里工作,那么在社交活动的时候立下规矩.If all of your friends work in your industry, set rules when you socialize.

有些阿富汗民居会有一间主要的客厅,这是男人的社交场所。Some Afghan houses contain a special room where men socialize with each other.

“在冬季很多人较少与人交往,”Pottier指出。“Many people socialize less throughout the wintermonths, ” points out Pottier.

他们不跟任何人来往,整个镇上的人曾都对他们指指点点,很是生气。They didn’t socialize with anyone, as the whole town used to point out angrily.

她丈夫担心她没有参加适量的社交活动而把自己孤立起来。Her husband worries that she isolates herself and that she does not socialize enough.

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这导致很多年轻男性每天工作10-12小时,连社交的时间都没有。That leads to a lot of young men working 10-12 hours a day with no time to socialize.

我们还需要留出时间去进行社交活动以及与我们的同事、朋友和亲人加深了解。We also need time to socialize and to understand our mates, our friends and our loved ones.

与浪费金钱的人结交——与你结交的人会影响你的习惯。Socialize with People Who Waste Money – The people you socialize with influence your habits.