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我实际上真的有假作业。I actually did have pseudo assignments.

不允许操作假冒的表。Operation disallowed on smi pseudo table.

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大概我遇到了一个假学霸。Perhaps I encountered a pseudo scholar-tyrant.

而T的人则是一个假的父亲和母亲。T-type is a pseudo father and a pseudo mother.

使用伪类选择器来改变内容?Using pseudo class selectors to change content?

希望麦迪不会再遭受中国伪球迷的谩骂!Hope McGrady not revile the pseudo fans in China!

Stella生活在一个虚假的时尚和魅力的世界中。Stella lives in a pseudo world of style and glamour.

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如用求解广义雅克比矩阵的伪逆阵的方法,得到的结果误差太大。Ones that use a pseudo inverse Jacobian may result in large errors.

此外,伪远程线程使您不必关心内存管理。In addition, Pseudo Remote Threads frees you from memory management.

请问一个网页未收录,抄袭后算不算伪原创?Does not include a web page, copy after the original count as pseudo?

伪代码是一组日常语文及电脑指令的结合。Pseudo code is a combination of computer command and ordinary languages.

本文提出了一种适合可编程序逻辑阵列的伪穷举测试方法。A pseudo exhaustive easily testable PLA scheme is proposed in this paper.

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一个赝矢量和一个矢量的标识称为赝标量。The dot product of a pseudo vector and a vector is called a pseudoscalar.

通过提供虚假事件,旅游景点获得了最大收益。Tourist attractions serve their purpose best when they are pseudo -events.

例如,ASPX页面处理程序基于下列伪码。For example, the handler for ASPX pages is based on the following pseudo code

讨论了它们的基本性质,得到了一些相关的重要结论。Several elementary properties of weak pseudo ideal of semiring are discussed.

对于假性近视、或预防近视眼度数的加深有好处。For pseudo myopia, or preventing myopia degree deepened to have the advantage.

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在那之后,他被当地媒体和网民冠以“伪娘”称号。Local media and netizens have hence nicknamed Liu a "nisemusume" or "pseudo girl.

目的探讨室间隔缺损假性膜部瘤外科手术治疗经验。Objective To study the experience of the surgical treatment of pseudo theca tumor.

从这个意义上说,价值转形问题实际上是一个伪问题。The issue of transformation of values into production prices is in fact a pseudo one.